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Difference Between Review and Revise

Review vs Revise

Review and Revise are two words that are often confused when it comes to their meanings or concepts. Strictly speaking there is some difference between them. A review is a short or a brief account of what has happened in a recently concluded event or in short it is looking again into the performance of an action. On the other hand the word ‘revise’ is to make certain changes in something related to its usability to people or customers. This is the main difference between the two terms, review and revise.

It is interesting to note that the two words ‘review’ and ‘revise’ are generally used as verbs. Observe the two sentences:

1. He reviewed the book for the magazine.

2. She reviewed the product of the company.

In both the sentences you can see that the word ‘review’ is used as a verb. In the first sentence a person conducted a review of a book. It is called book review. In the second sentence you can find that ‘she conducted a review of a product produced by a company’.

Observe the sentences:

1. The book was revised thoroughly.

2. The rules and regulations of the company were revised.

In both the sentences the word ‘revise’ is used as a verb. In the first sentence you can understand that a book was thoroughly changed when it comes to removal of mistakes and subject matter. In the second sentence you can understand that the rules and regulations of a company were changed accordingly.

It is interesting to note that the noun form of the word ‘revise’ is ‘revision’. The purpose of a review is also different from the purpose of a revision for that matter. These are the differences between the two words, review and revise.