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Difference Between Sikh and Muslim

Key Difference – Sikh vs Muslim

Although some fail to recognize, there is a key difference between Sikh and Muslim. Sikhs are people belonging to the Sikh religion that was founded in India. They wear turbans like many Muslims and also keep long flowing beards like Muslims. These similar appearances confuse many westerners to think that they are Muslims. However, the fact is that Sikhs are a separate people who are not Muslims or even Hindus. Despite ostensible similarities, there are many differences between Muslims and Sikhs that will be highlighted in this article.

Who is a Sikh?

Sikh is a person who is born in the Sikh religion that is one of the four major world religions emanating out of India. The founder of the Sikhism is Guru Nanak who was born in the Punjab Province of India in the year 1469. The religion of Sikhism is based upon the teachings of Guru Nanak and the subsequent gurus that are 10 in number. The last Guru of Sikhs was Guru Gobind Singh, and after his death the compilation of the teachings of all gurus was done in the form of Guru Granth sahib that is considered as the eternal guru for the Sikhs.

Sikhs believe in brotherhood of humanity and an all powerful omnipresent God. They do not follow rituals like Hindus and Muslims. They do not worship idols like Hindus and the most sacred thing for them is the Guru Granth sahib that includes the teachings of all 10 gurus. Sikhism arose in India in response to the spread of Islam as well as forced conversions of Hindus into Muslims. Mughal emperors did not like the spread of Sikhism and most of the Sikh Gurus were imprisoned and tortured to death by them. However, after the martyrdom of the 10th Guru Gobind Singh, Sikhs united and rebelled against the Muslim rule. They set up the Sikh Empire in the Northern parts of India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

Sikhs are peace loving jovial fellows who are also very hardworking and religious by nature.

Who is a Muslim?

Muslim is a word that refers to any individual who is a follower of Islam. Islam is an Abrahamic religion that has its basis in Quran, the holy book of the Muslims. Islam is one of the major religions of the world being professed by 1/5th of the humanity. It is spread all over the world though it is mainly concentrated in South Asia, West Asia, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Prophet Muhammad is revered by the Muslims as the last messenger of God. All Muslims believe in life after death and predestination. They also believe in angels.

While the first Muslims were the descendants and friends of Muhammad, the band grew at a ferocious pace, and today there are hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world. Islam is the religion while Muslims are the adherents of Islam. Quran is based upon the sayings of Muhammad and tells Muslims what is expected of them by Allah. The almighty offers salvation to all Muslims who follow the principles described in holy Quran. The basic belief of all Muslims is that there is only Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Muslims offer prayers 5 times in a day facing the direction of Mecca where they believe Allah revealed the truth to Muhammad. Muslims have a month for fasting to relieve themselves of all their sins. They help the needy and the poor. They have a duty to pay a visit to Holy Mecca at least once their lifetime.

What is the Difference Between Sikh and Muslim?

Definitions of Sikh and Muslim:

Sikh: Sikh is a person who is born in the Sikh religion.

Muslim: Muslim is a word that refers to any individual who is a follower of Islam.

Characteristics of Sikh and Muslim:


Sikh: Sikhs keep turbans like many Muslims.

Muslim: Turban is not essential for Muslims.


Sikh: Beard is essential.

Muslim: Beard is not essential in Islam.


Sikh: Muslims eat Halal meat.

Muslim: Sikhs do not believe in Halal.


Sikh: Muslims believe in Allah and read Quran.

Muslim: Sikhs believe in One God and accept Guru Granth sahib as their eternal guru.


Sikh: Muslims have a duty to visit Mecca and medina.

Muslim: Sikhs do not believe in pilgrimage.


Image Courtesy:

1. “Sikhs on the move!” by Joel Friesen – originally posted to Flickr as Sikhs on the move!. [CC BY 2.0] via Commons

2. “20100425 Fillyra Mosque Ibrahim Serif Thrace Greece 1” by Ggia – Own work. [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Commons