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Difference Between Static and Dynamic Characters

Static vs Dynamic Characters

In the field of literature, static and dynamic characters are two important topics and there are a number of differences between static and dynamic characters making them easy to identify. Those who make a habit out of reading often come across a variety of characters in novels, short stories, etc. These characters are not similar. They all have their own stories and differences, but they all add colour to the story. Authors use both static and dynamic characters to give life to the story. These two types of characters are contrary to one another. Static characters remain the same throughout the story without changing from the beginning to the very end. These characters will have the same personality throughout the story. However, dynamic characters go through an experience that creates a lasting impact on their lives that allows them to grow and develop. This article attempts to highlight the differences that exist between static and dynamic characters.

What is a Static Character?

In a fictitious work, there are two types of characters, the static and the dynamic characters. Static characters are those that remain the same from the beginning of a story till the very end. Even though these characters undergo changes these do not have any impact on these characters. Writers usually use static characters as minor characters to add more vivacity to the story and sometimes act as helping characters for the main characters.

Since most of us have read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, this can be used to provide examples for static characters. Let us take the character of Mr. Collins. Austen uses this character mostly to add humour to the novel. Mr. Collins remains the same pompous and ridiculous man from the beginning till the end. This is the nature of static characters. They do not undergo any change.

What is a Dynamic Character ?

Usually in stories the protagonist is a dynamic character. These types of characters undergo various experiences; face many challenges as a result of which they emerge substantially changed in the end. This change is usually not in the circumstance but the character and personality. In most stories, the plot allows the main characters to grow from naïve, immature characters to wise, mature characters showing high potential for growth and development.

If we use the example of Pride and Prejudice here as well to identify dynamic characters, Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy are some such dynamic characters. At the beginning of the novel they are flawed, however by the end of it the obstacles on their way, and the change in perspective, the experience of life change them for the better, allowing them to be more loved by readers. This provides a basic understanding of the two types of characters.

What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Characters?

• Static characters do not undergo any changes throughout the novel and remain the same from the beginning till the end. These are mostly the minor characters of stories.

• Dynamic characters, on the other hand, undergo various obstacles throughout the plot that allow them to grow and develop into more round characters.

• Dynamic characters are usually the main characters of a story.

• The growth in these characters is mostly internal and can be in character, personality or outlook and is rarely external.