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Difference Between Thunderstorm Watch and Warning

Thunderstorm Watch vs Warning

Thunderstorms are devastating natural calamities that leave a trail of destruction in their wake. They are capable of destroying not just property, but also lives which is why authorities raise alarm about them whenever there are conditions ripe to make them a reality. The National Weather Service in the country often makes use of Thunderstorm Watches and Thunderstorm Warnings, to sound alert for foul weather that may be a reality in a short time in a province or region. Often, people who do not know the subtle difference between Watch and Warning, pay dearly as they treat them as synonyms. Though there are similarities, there are also differences that need to be paid heed to, to avoid serious repercussions. This article clearly explains the differences between Thunderstorm Watch and Thunderstorm Warning.

Thunderstorm Watch

Thunderstorm Watch is just what the phrase means, to watch out for weather as conditions are ripe for a thunderstorm to take place though it has yet not taken place. As thunderstorms are quick events that come and go in a flash, watch means that odds are good for a thunderstorm, and one should be alert and prepared for foul weather though thunderstorm has yet not arrived in the region.

Thunderstorm Warning

Thunderstorm warning is what it says, to allow people to run away from affected areas, as warning is sounded after the event has taken place. As thunderstorm is a quick event, sometimes it is not possible to sound alert, and thus thunderstorm watch is sounded in advance. Warning is issued when thunderstorm has taken place, and the authorities are concerned about the safety of people that might come in its way.


What is the difference between Thunderstorm Watch and Warning?

• Thunderstorm Watch is issued before a thunderstorm has struck and covers a much wider area and people than Thunderstorm warning, which is sounded to save property and people that might come in its direction of movement

• Thunderstorm warning is issued when the event has taken place in a region and is moving in a particular direction, to alert people. Thunderstorm watch is sounded to be prepared as conditions are ripe for a thunderstorm to take place though it has not yet taken place.

• Thunderstorm watches are sounded on weather stations and people moving in their cars can listen and accordingly change their plans.

• The direction of thunderstorm mentioned in thunderstorm warning tells people to get out of the danger zone as soon as possible to prevent any untoward incident.

• As thunderstorms are quickly occurring events, sometimes it is not possible to sound alert with thunderstorm watch. In this condition, the only option left is thunderstorm warning that is sounded when the event has already taken place to let people evacuate the areas that fall in the direction of movement of thunderstorm.