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Difference Between Wizard and Mage

Wizard vs Mage

In ancient times, when man was not able to find answers to questions pertaining to nature and physical phenomenon, there were people considered having the ability to cast spells and knowledge of magic or sorcery. In all cultures, societies, and tribes, these influential men (or women sometimes) were regarded with respect, as people feared their wrath. These men were called variously in different cultures as wizard, mage, spell caster, sorcerer, enchanters, druids, shamans etc. Of these, wizard and mage are two categories of magicians having similar traits thus confusing many, as they cannot differentiate between the two. This article attempts to clarify these differences by highlighting the features of both wizard and mage.


These are people having mastery over magic, which they have learnt through memorization or by studying in depth. These people use old school magic and are considered to be very technical among all types of people using magic for good or bad of the people. A wizard is a magic specialist who relies a lot on his instrument that he makes use of, to cast a spell. This could be a staff or anything else.


A mage is a man or woman who is considered wise. He has high intellect and has knowledge of magic. Normally a mage does not make use of staff or any other instrument though there have been mages casting a spell though an instrument. Mostly mages are people who perform rituals more than they exhibit their knowledge of magic. Mages are mostly descendents of Zoroastrian forefathers. Such mages are called factual while there are fictional mages that perform magic like wizards. These mages are believed to produce magic from within them, which is what makes them different from other magicians.


What is the difference between Wizard and Mage?

• Mage is a blanket term used for magicians, while a wizard is a person who has studied magic and sorcery and can control his surroundings with his knowledge.

• Wizard has its origins in old English word meaning wise man. Today, anyone with exceptional abilities or skills in a field is called a wizard such as computer wizard.

• Mages also cast the spell, but they perform more rituals than wizards do.

• While wizards make use of a special instrument like a staff to cast spell, Mages normally do not use an instrument

• Mage is not s gender specific word, and there can be a male or female mage. On the other hand, a wizard is always male.