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Difference Between Wolverine and Badger

Wolverine vs Badger

Although there are many exhibited differences between wolverine and badger, people still mistake or confuse them. Therefore, for a better understanding, the differences between these two closely related animals should be highlighted. They both belong to the same taxonomic order and family, but live in different parts of the world, and there are other considerable distinctions about them too. This article pays attention to those differences after going through some important characteristics of wolverine and badger separately.


Wolverine has many common names such as glutton, carcajou, skunk bear, and some other names as well apart from their zoological or scientific name, Gulo gulo. Wolverine is a type of weasels, which means they are one of the members of the Family: Mustelidae. In addition, wolverine is the largest land living animal among all the members of the family. Their natural distribution range is the Arctic and Subarctic regions of the Northern hemisphere including North American, European, and Asian continents. Wolverine has a stocky and muscular body and their bodyweights could range from nine to 25 kilograms. They are medium to large sized dogs and the measurement between the nose and the base of the tail varies from 67 to 107 centimetres. However, their tail is short and only about one fourth of the body length. Interestingly, their females are considerably larger than the males unlike in many mammals. Wolverine live on snow, and their large padded paws with five toes in each are adaptations to walk on that slippery habitat. Despite having large paws, the legs of the wolverines are short. The broad head, small eyes, and round ears demonstrate some of the characteristic features of wolverines. Additionally, their small round ears do not permit much heat to be lost as an adaptation for the cold environments that they live. Their coat of fur is an oily and dark coloured (mostly towards black colour) with brown shadings on the dorsal and the lateral sides. In addition, their silvery facial marks are noticeable. It is very interesting to notice their aggressiveness, and they make excellent hunters, which enables them to kill large prey animals such as moose and elk.


Belonging in three subfamilies Melinae, Mellivorinae, and Taxidiinae of the Family: Mustelidae, badgers are of 12 species. In general, they are short legged, heavyset, and aggressive animals with omnivorous food habits and some interesting behaviours. Their lower jaw is articulated with the upper jaw, which makes limited jaw movements but makes sure that jaws will never be dislocated. Badger has a long snout and tiny ears. They are ashy-grey coloured animals with three white lines are running along the head. The inner side and the ventral side of the body are paler than the dorsal side. Badgers live in burrows called setts, and they dig those by themselves. Some badger species prefer solitary lives, while others like communal living. Solitary species are more aggressive than the communal species. Badgers are utterly revengeful, and arrogant animals, they would even challenge a bear or wolf. In North America, they prey on coyotes and the other way around, as well.


What is the difference between Wolverine and Badger?

  • Wolverines live on snow, whereas badgers can live under many different climates.

Wolverine is the largest terrestrial member of the Family: Mustelidae, but the badgers are not that big.

  • Wolverine has a thick and oily fur that is hydrophobic, whereas badger has a simple coat of fur.
  • Wolverine has a longer lifespan compared to badger.
  • Badgers have prominent black and white patterning but wolverines have dark brown with some lightly tanned patterns.