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What is the Difference Between Conversion Disorder and Hypochondriasis

The key difference between conversion disorder and hypochondriasis is that conversion disorder is a condition in which a person experiences physical and sensory problems with no underlying neurological pathology, while hypochondriasis is a condition in which a person experiences excessive worry about having one or more serious physical illnesses.

Somatoform disorders are a group of psychiatric disorders in which people experience clinically significant unexplained physical symptoms. These disorders include somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, pain disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and somatoform disorder not otherwise specified.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Conversion Disorder
3. What is Hypochondriasis
4. Similarities – Conversion Disorder and Hypochondriasis
5. Conversion Disorder vs. Hypochondriasis  in Tabular Form
6. FAQ: Conversion Disorder and Hypochondriasis 
7. Summary – Conversion Disorder vs. Hypochondriasis

What is Conversion Disorder?

Conversion disorder is a mental health condition that causes physical symptoms. Conversion disorder is more likely to happen in women and those designated female at birth (DFAB). Moreover, the symptoms of this condition may include psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, sense-related disruptions, pain, unusual muscle tension, muscle weakness, trouble swallowing, dizziness, fainting, and chronic fatigue. A history of childhood abuse and other mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, recent stressful events, and recent health conditions can cause conversion disorder.

Conversion disorder can be diagnosed through physical examination, blood test, CT scan, electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram, evoked potential test, and MRI scan. Furthermore, treatment options for conversion disorder may include cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, group or family therapy, physical therapy, and medications like antidepressants and biofeedback.

What is Hypochondriasis?

Hypochondriasis, also known as illness anxiety disorder, is a condition in which people have an unrealistic fear that they have a serious medical condition or fear that they are at high risk of becoming ill. Moreover, this condition can be caused by childhood trauma, extreme stress, health anxieties, childhood illness, mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and trauma like physical or emotional abuse. The symptoms of this condition may include avoiding people and places, constantly researching about diseases, exaggerating other symptoms and their severity, high level of anxiety, obsession with body function, oversharing the symptoms, repeatedly checking for signs of illness, pressure or temperature, seeking reassurance from loved ones, and uneasiness with healthy body functions like gas and sweating.

Hypochondriasis can be diagnosed through psychological evaluation. Furthermore, treatment options for hypochondriasis may include cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressant medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and antipsychotics.

What are the Similarities Between Conversion Disorder and Hypochondriasis?

What is the Difference Between Conversion Disorder and Hypochondriasis?

In conversion disorder, a person experiences physical and sensory problems with no underlying neurological pathology, while in hypochondriasis, a person experiences excessive worry about having one or more serious physical illnesses. This is the key difference between conversion disorder and hypochondriasis. Furthermore, conversion disorder can be caused by a history of childhood abuse, having other mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, recent stressful events, and recent health conditions. On the other hand, hypochondriasis can be caused by childhood trauma, extreme stress, health anxieties, childhood illness, mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and trauma like physical or emotional abuse.

The infographic below presents the differences between conversion disorder and hypochondriasis in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.

FAQ: Conversion Disorder and Hypochondriasis

What are the 4 types of conversion disorder?

4 types of conversion disorders are disorders with motor symptoms or deficits, disorders with sensory symptoms or deficits, disorders with pseudo-seizures, and a mixed presentation.

How long is conversion disorder?

Symptoms are generally short-term, usually lasting a few days to a few weeks, and often resolve themselves even without any treatment.

Who diagnoses conversion disorder?

Neurologists diagnose the conversion disorder.

Summary – Conversion Disorder vs. Hypochondriasis

Somatoform disorders are psychotic disorders characterized by physical sensations and bodily pain caused by mental illness. Conversion disorder and hypochondriasis are two somatoform disorders. Conversion disorder is a mental health condition that causes physical symptoms. In contrast, hypochondriasis is a condition in which people have an unrealistic fear that they have a serious medical condition or fear that they are at high risk of becoming ill. This summarizes the difference between conversion disorder and hypochondriasis.


1. “Conversion Disorder: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.” Cleveland Clinic.
2. “Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondria): Symptoms & Treatments.” Cleveland Clinic.

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1. “A Man in Red Shirt Covering His Face” (CC0) via Pexels