Radiation vs Chemotherapy Radiation and chemotherapy are treatment methods that are used to destroy cancerous cells once this deadly disease has been diagnosed by the doctors. Cancer is becoming more and more common these days and doctors are finding themselves unable to have a miracle cure for this dreaded disease. A vast majority of people […]
Difference Between CT Scan and PET Scan
CT Scan vs PET Scan Computed Tomography known as CT scan use the X rays to get the axial films. This differs from normal X-ray films because it can give more details about the tissue. The X-ray is passed from one side and the sensor will catch the rays from the opposite side. This will […]
Difference Between CT scan and MRI scan
CT scan vs MRI scan CT is the abbreviation of Computed Tomography. In CT scan X-ray beams are used to take image films. The X rays are high energy rays not visible to eye. When X-ray passes, it may be obstructed by tissues. The bone will resist the X ray most. So in the film […]
Difference Between EEG and ECG
EEG vs ECG EEG is an abbreviation of electro encephalogram, which is a method of evaluating brain’s electric activity. The ECG, an abbreviation for electro cardiograph is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. EEG means electro encephalogram. This is a method of evaluating brain’s electric activity. […]