Estoy vs Soy vs Estar vs Ser Spanish is a very popular European language that is spoken in many parts of America. It is also very interesting to learn but, for those who have an English background, there is a lot of confusion as the language contains two or more words for the same […]
Difference Between Sino and Pero
Sino vs Pero In Spanish, there are lots of conjunctions like other languages to establish the link between clauses and also to tell the relationship between two objects. Sino and Pero are two words in Spanish language that are used for the same English conjunction ‘but’. When translating English into Spanish, translators face the […]
Difference Between Fue and Era
Fue vs Era Fue and era happen to be past tenses of ser that are very confusing for someone learning the nuances of the Spanish language. In general, it is easier to master the tense of a verb as there are two forms known as preterite and imperfect and one has to use preterite […]
Difference Between Latin and Spanish
Latin vs Spanish Latin is a very old language, a language of the Romans. It is also referred to as the progenitor of the romance languages of which Spanish is one. The other romance languages are Portuguese, French, Italian, and Romanian. Though Latin is today considered a dead language, mostly limited to studies in […]
Difference Between Haber and Tener
Haber vs Tener Haber and Tener happen to be one of the most confusing verb pairs for all those who are trying to learn Spanish. While both verb forms express the same meaning of ‘to have’ or ‘to possess’, students often remain confused as to which of the either has to be used in […]
Difference Between Estar and Ser
Estar vs Ser Everyone seems to love Spanish. As a language freely taught in America, Spanish has become one of the most studied languages. Spanish seems to have a very sweet and surrendering tone which entices many people to study and master it. Like all other languages, if one does not get accustomed to […]