Approach vs Methodology
Approach and methodology are two words that are used by us, to describe the way things are done in an organization. Approach is more common of the two words that is used in various circumstances and can come to mean the style of play of a sportsman, the way an investor reacts to different situations in the stock market, or even the way a deer adopts different safety measures to escape from the clutches of a lion. Methodology is a similar concept that reflects the style or measures adopted by a person or an organization. However, there are differences that will be highlighted in this article.
An approach is the overall style or idea that one adopts to overcome a problem or face a given situation. Approach is a generalized concept that describes the way a person reacts or behaves in the face of a tough situation. Approach remains at the level of an idea and does not involve steps that are time tested or proven.
The intended series of actions in any given situation sum up the approach of a person. So the way a thing or a situation is handled is called the approach and it varies all the time with different situations and different individuals. There isn’t necessarily a formula with slight variations that can be measured in case of an approach. A player’s approach to golf can mimic the style of play of another great player to be described as similar approach to golf.
Methodology refers to procedures that have been tested time and again and proven to help overcome problems. It is a very well organized and well researched plan to solve a problem. Methodology is scientific in nature and can be executed in a series of small steps with the ability to be customized according to the requirements of a particular situation. Methodology provides detailed steps that are required to overcome a problem to accomplish a goal. To a beginner in any field, methodologies are essential to solve even small problems.
What is the difference between Approach and Methodology?
• The overall style that guides you when trying to overcome a problem is called the approach of solving the problem
• Approach becomes methodology when it has been time tested and proved its efficacy again and again
• Methodology is specific and has a step by step procedure to solve a problem. On the other hand, approach is generalized and tells one how to go about a problem
• A beginner is helped greatly by methodology while a seasoned person is comfortable with just approach
• Approach is casual while methodology is organized, scientific, and well researched
Taiwo Adedeji says
Very well explained. Thanks!