Bone Cancer vs Leukemia
Bone cancers are malignant tumors that arise from bone. Osteo sarcoma, chondro sarcoma and fibro sarcoma are some of the examples for bone cancers. The cancers that arise from bone itself is called as primary malignancy. However bone is a common place for deposit of cancer cells from other cancers (ex breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer). Bone cancers are difficult to treat. They poorly respond to chemotherapy and radio therapy. Affected bone may cause sever pain and these bones loose their strength and easily get fractures. Amputation of the affected part is a treatment option for bone cancers. However, secondary deposits will carry a poor out come. If the cancer is already spread to the body, multiple cancer cell deposits may be found in the body.
In the late stage of the cancer, pain control and supportive treatment are the main stay of the management.
Leukemia is blood cancer. As the cells of the blood (White blood cell, Red blood cell, platelets) are formed from the bone marrow, leukemia is diagnosed by bone marrow aspiration biopsy. The abnormal formation of cells indicate cancer in the blood cells. Leukemia affects the white cells of the blood. Over, abnormal production of white cells results in deficiency of red cell production. The leukemia patient may present with anemia. As the white cells are abnormal they cannot do the proper protective function against the micro organisms. The Leukemia is classified further with the cell types involved. ALL,AML,CLL,CML are the examples for leukemia.
Leukemia can be treated with chemotherapy. Some leukemias can be cured with bone marrow transplantation. Unlike bone cancer, the leukemia can occur in childhood.
In brief: – Sarcomas are the primary bone cancers. – Secondary deposit to the bone from other cancers is named as bone metastatic cancer. – Leukemia is blood cancer. The cancer involves bone marrow. – Some type of leukemia can be cured completely, if diagnosed early. – Leukemia are common in childhood and aged people.
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