Conclusion vs Results
Conclusion and Results are two terms used in thesis writing and surveys or experiments respectively. Conclusion forms the end part of a thesis or a dissertation. On the other hand results form the end part of a survey or a chemical experiment. This is one of the main differences between conclusion and results.
Conclusion aims at the briefing of the research findings of the researcher. It should be short and concise. It should contain concise and short paragraphs. A conclusion should not contain long paragraphs. On the other hand results can be statistical in composition and sometimes descriptive too. If they are descriptive in nature then they can contain long paragraphs too.
The aim of the conclusion is to impress upon the reader the validity of the research findings by the researcher. On the other hand the results of a chemical experiment or a survey aim at presenting before the reader the valid information about the exactness of the statistical data and the outcomes therein. This is an important difference between conclusion and results.
It is said that a dissertation or a thesis should never be submitted without a conclusion. In other words ‘conclusion’ forms a very important part of a research thesis. On the other hand results of a survey or a chemical experiment prove the validity of the experiment or the survey as the case may be.
Any scientist will proceed from the results of his experiments. If the results are not to his satisfaction then he would continue with his experimentation. On the other hand a conclusion is a final say in the preparation of a thesis. This is one of the most important differences between a conclusion and results. A thesis is often evaluated on the basis of the conclusion therein.
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