Conscious vs Preconscious
Conscious and preconscious are two terms that relates to our mind and how it perceives things and react with external stimuli. Our mind is a powerful part of ourselves and that we are able to do things because of how our mind works. The essence of being aware of our surrounding makes these so.
Conscious is a state wherein our mind is responsive of all internal and external stimuli that we are being subjected into at the moment. Being conscious is usually related to being able to relate to one’s own existence or being awake and has full knowledge of what is happening right at the instance. Our mental faculties are active in the sense that we can feel and that we are able to comprehend things rationally.
Preconscious is where our mind is storing information which is not yet relevant for us to function normally. The information is kept hidden but not repressed until such time that you may have need of it. Preconscious is the state of mind where all thoughts are being remembered such as your bank account number. It is the storage of all information with which we can remember.
What is the difference between conscious and preconscious?
Conscious and preconscious are applied to the situation our mind responding to the things we are being subjected into at a particular moment. Conscious is being fully aware of what is happening while preconscious is keeping all the stimuli to our memory for safe-keeping. Conscious is a state of knowing what you are doing while preconscious is just remembering what you have done. That is why a person who remembers his phone numbers or bank account number is done through the use of preconscious thoughts. A conscious is very responsive and sensitive to what is happening around him while being awake while preconscious is not.
In brief: ● Conscious is the state wherein we are sensitive and responsive to our environment. ● Preconscious is the state of being able to remember things automatically. ● Both are the states of our mind which defines our being.
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