Diatribe vs Pejorative
Diatribe and pejorative are both types of negative remarks. They are expressed in words, either in writing or in a verbal manner. Just because both are negative, it does not mean that one should be confused as to which is which. Now, let us discuss the differences of these two.
A diatribe is normally expressed both in writing and in spoken words. Most people refer diatribe as “rant”. It is usually used in deconstructive criticism showing disapproval. Bitter and sharply negative words are used. Since Diatribe is a rant, this describes a negative attitude which is irrevocable in a sense. It points out a mistake after mistake. Oftentimes, the person delivering this could just go on forever and not listen to what everyone else has to say.
On the other hand, pejorative is referred to as a prejudicial word or phrase expressing a negative reaction or thought. Usually these words may be regarded as pejorative in one place but not in another. Take this for example, the word cute. Someone may ask a friend and ask if she is pretty, and the other replied cute. Some people may see it as an insult but some may not.
Difference between Diatribe and Pejorative
Pejorative words only show and express disapproval and maybe a little criticism; on the other hand diatribe is more serious, depending on how one may interpret it. Pejoratives are expressed showing what one thinks at that very moment; whereas diatribe is something way more than those plain words. Diatribe can be driven by anger. A diatribe can be viewed as more serious than a pejorative. When one says a pejorative at a person for the moment, it may change the next time; however a diatribe is given to someone with a negative attitude that will surely end indefinitely. One may give her friend a pejorative but never a diatribe.
Both diatribe and pejorative are remarks that one should think about before using.
In brief: • Diatribe is lengthy while pejorative can be just a word, or maybe a phrase. • Pejorative can be due to what you feel at the moment you delivered it, but a diatribe or rant is an effect of a long-term negative feeling.
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