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Difference Between Evolution and Creation

The key difference between evolution and creation is that creation refers to the belief in a divine creator, while evolution refers to the scientific process of change and adaptation that occurs over time in living organisms.

Evolution and creation are two entirely different theories to understand the origins of the Universe, especially mankind. Mankind has always been curious about its roots. Are we created by someone (The Almighty), or are we a result of an evolutionary process? While the debate continues between evolutionists and creationists, there is strong evidence to show that evolution took place on the basis of fossil records. Creation, on the other hand, is a concept based upon faith and hence not possible to prove. However, creation and evolution are not totally exclusive and incompatible. It is possible for one to believe in creation while at the same time accepting the evolutionary process.

Since the concept of creation is a matter of belief and faith, it can neither be questioned nor countered. Creation does not need a theory to explain it, as it believes that God created us as we are. Evolution, on the other hand, explains in scientific terms how man evolved from lower primates.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Evolution  
3. What is Creation
4. Evolution vs Creation in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Evolution vs Creation

What is Creation?

Creation is the belief that God is the creator of all things, including the universe and all living beings. This belief is held by many different religions and is a fundamental tenet of the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths, among others. In these traditions, God is seen as the ultimate creator who brought the universe into being through an act of divine will.

The myth of human creation varies depending on the cultural and religious tradition in which it is found. In the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the story of human creation is told in the book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. According to this account, God created human beings in his own image and granted them dominion over all other living things on Earth. God created the first man, Adam, from the dust of the ground and then created the first woman, Eve, from Adam’s rib. In some versions of the myth, Adam and Eve are the first humans to be created, while in others, they are seen as the ancestors of all humanity.

Other cultures and religions have their own myths and stories about the creation of human beings. For example, some Native American cultures have stories about the creation of humans by the Great Spirit or other deities. In Hinduism, the creation of human beings is described in the creation myth found in the Hindu scriptures known as the Puranas. In this myth, the god Brahma creates the first humans out of clay.

What is Evolution?

Evolution is the process by which different species of living organisms change and adapt over time. It is the basis for the theory of natural selection, which was proposed by Charles Darwin in the mid-19th century. According to the theory of evolution, species change and adapt in response to the challenges of their environment, and those that are best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over time, these small changes accumulate and can lead to the development of new species.

There is a lot of evidence supporting the theory of evolution, including the fossil record, the distribution of living organisms around the world, and the genetic similarities between different species. Evolution is a fundamental concept in the biological sciences and is widely accepted by the scientific community.

What is the Difference Between Evolution and Creation?

In the simplest of words, the key difference between evolution and creation is that creation teaches that God created everything, while evolution teaches that all living beings came into existence without God. While the theory of creation is based on Bible and other scriptures, evolution is a theory that is demonstrated through scientific observations and experiments.

Christians fear that if the theory of evolution were to be accepted, their belief that God created everything would not hold water, and people would not accept the existence of God. However, creation, being a matter of faith, cannot be questioned and proved.

Summary – Evolution vs Creation

Evolution and creation are two entirely different theories to understand the origins of the Universe, especially mankind. Creation suggests that all life forms, as we see them today, were created by a divine creator (God), while evolution suggests that life came into existence from nonliving things and evolved into complex organisms from the simplest of life forms. While evolution can be demonstrated with the help of experiments, creation is a matter of faith and cannot be questioned. This is the summary of the difference between evolution and creation.


1. “Evolution.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.

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1. “Evolution-walking-Charles-Darwin” (CC0) via Pixabay