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Difference Between Feline and Canine

Feline vs Canine

Feline and canines are primarily cats and dogs, and there are many differences between them, which are always interesting to discuss. Particularly, feline and canine mean the taxonomic families of Felidae and Canidae. The morphological and behavioral differences between them are usually familiar among most of the public. However, the reasons for these interesting behavioral differences are not much common, and those are discussed in this article, in addition to the presented comparison at the end.


According to most of the descriptions, feline refers to the biologically classified taxonomic family of Felidae. Usually, all the felids are colloquially known as cats or at least cat-like mammals. Felids are strictly carnivorous mammals except the domesticated cats. Most of the features of the felids have been adapted to live a carnivorous lifestyle; extra-large canine teeth, evolutionarily developed blending colors with the environment, binocular vision, strong jaws, powerful jaw muscles, padded paws, and retractable claws are few among their carnivorous adaptations. They vastly vary in their sizes, and it is quite clear when the size difference between a domesticated cat and a Bengal tiger is considered. Felids could be described as a very adaptive group of animals when their coat of fur is considered, and it matters a lot for them to live a successful life in different environmental conditions. Their fur coats have become considerably thick in the cold climates to provide insulation to help keep them warm. In addition, the color of the coat varies according to the environmental colors, so that it would be difficult for their prey animals to spot them. The black color tear stripe, from the corner of the eye to the underside of the muzzle, of the felids is unique. They are gifted with binocular vision, an improved night vision, and sensitive ears for high frequencies. Felids are usually territorial and prefer a lonely or solitary lifestyle. That is the main reason that cats do not prefer to leave their house. As their looks depict, felids are proud creatures with a unique combination of behaviors including intimidating roars in big cats.


Canines are members of the taxonomic order Canidae, which includes dogs and other dog-like creatures such as jackals, foxes, coyotes, and wolves. Canines can be found in many kinds of habitats ranging from deserts to mountains, rainforests, and cold climates. An interesting fact about canids is that they could be either carnivorous or omnivorous, and they are gifted with many adaptations for those feeding behaviors. However, their claws are not retractile. The presence of prominent canine teeth with generally long snout could be considered as noticeable features of canids. Usually, their tails are bushy, and the ears are large. Most of them are social and live and work in packs. Dominant male and female usually take part in mating, and a copulatory tie is formed and lasts for about an hour because of the erection of the curved penis bone. Canines use scent signals, gestures, visual clues, facial expressions, howls, barks, and growls to communicate with themselves as well as other animals. Their gesturing has been one of the reasons for the affectionate of dogs and ease of training. Since, they love to live in packs, the domestic dogs have great bonds with their owners but not with the house.


What is the difference between Feline and Canine?

• Usually canines are group living animals while felines are solitary. Therefore, cats love the house while dogs love the owners.

• Canines bark, growl, and woof. In contrast, felines can vocally communicate through roars, meows, or purrs.

• Dogs need to be cared, whereas cats are independent animals.

• Dogs are affectionate, whereas cats are proud creatures.

• Felines have the binocular vision but not the canines.

• Felines are strictly carnivorous (except cats) while canines are either omnivorous or carnivorous.