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Difference Between Film and Movie

Film vs Movie

Film and movie are often used interchangeably. Both terms refer to series of pictures arranged sequentially and run in rapid manner to create an illusion of motion, be it digitally made or still using photographic films. Generally, there is no difference between the two when it comes to commercial entertainment.


Film is a term associated to the art of making motion pictures. When we say film, we refer to a motion picture usually projected through big screen as in the cinemas for the purpose of public viewing whether to educate, provide information or entertain. A feature film has running time of more than 60 minutes and short film has running time of 40 minutes or less.


Movie is often regarded as slang for film and is considered a lesser form of the art of making motion picture. When the term movie is used, it may be referring to a motion picture shown in theatres intended for public or commercial viewing or home-made videos. A movie does not have required running time. It can be made long or short as the movie maker wants.

Difference between Film and Movie

A film is usually used to refer to the art and science of making motion pictures while a movie is used to refer to any video, even that with inferior quality. Typically, a film is made by big productions, which include art directions, casting and creation of scripts and with fabulous sets and are intended to be shown in the cinemas for profits. On the other hand, a movie may also be produced through big productions; however, it is not limited. A movie can be made digitally by an individual or independent producer with or without the intention of showing it in the cinemas.

Whether it is a film or movie, we can care less as long it as entertaining, captures our attention or educational.

In brief:

• Film and movie are series of pictures arranged sequentially and run in rapid manner to create an illusion of motion.

• Film is referred to as the art and science of making motion pictures and is often made by big productions usually intended to be shown in cinemas for profits.

• Movies can be made with digital technologies by individual or independent firms with or without intension of showing it publicly for profits.