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Difference Between Mood Disorders and Personality Disorders

Mood Disorders vs Personality Disorders

Most people do not realize the difference between mood disorders and personality disorders. A mood is a state of mind. A personality is a combination of factors that make an individual who he is. This includes the feelings, thoughts, and actions of the individual. So, this highlights that there is a difference between a mood and a personality. With this basic comprehension, let us move on to a definition of mood disorders and personality disorders. Mood disorders are psychological conditions that bring about severe mood changes in individuals. Personality disorders are behaviors and thoughts of an individual that go against the cultural expectations of that particular society. Both mood and personality disorders encompass a number of disorders. Through this article let us examine the differences between a mood and personality disorder.

What are Mood Disorders?

We all experience mood fluctuations in life. However, these cannot be considered as mood disorders. Mood disorders are psychological conditions that bring about severe mood changes in individuals. These can be characterized by elation where the individual feels extremely happy and ecstatic or else lowering where the individual feels hopeless. Some of the mood disorders are,

When speaking of Depression, it can be stated that it is one of the very common mood disorders. The individual feels fatigue, a sense of hopelessness, recurrent suicidal thoughts, disinterest in activities of daily life, etc. Bipolar, on the other hand, is where the individual experiences periods of depression and elation. During the periods of depression, the individual feels hopeless but, during the periods of elation, the individual feels almost invincible. Dysthymia is a milder version of the major depressive disorder. This lasts for a long period but is less severe. Cyclothymia is a milder form of bipolar disorder. Since these two disorders are much milder, they often go unnoticed.

Mood disorders can be caused due to genetic factors, social factors, psychological factors, and biological factors. In order to treat individuals who suffer from mood disorders, a variety of medication can be used. Other than these, counseling and various types of therapies such as cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy can also be used.

What are Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are behaviors and thoughts of an individual that go against the cultural expectations of that particular society. Personality disorders are more constant than mood disorders. According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, there are ten personality disorders. They are,

These disorders fall into three main types.

Type A Personality Disorder:

These personalities are considered as odd by others.

Type B Personality Disorder:

These personalities have difficulty in regulating emotions that may come out as dramatic.

Type C Personality Disorder:

Fear and anxiety dominate these personalities.

This highlights that Personality disorders affect how the individual interacts with others and also individual emotional experience and coping methods. Psychologists believe that psychotherapy is more suitable in the case of personality disorders, rather than medication.

What is the difference between Mood Disorders and Personality Disorders?

• Definitions of Mood Disorders and Personality Disorders:

• Mood disorders are psychological conditions that bring about severe mood changes in individuals.

• Personality disorders are behaviors and thoughts of an individual that go against the cultural expectations of that particular society.

• Mood and Personality:

• Mood disorders primarily relate to individual moods.

• Personality disorders relate to the individual personality.

• Effect:

• Both personality and mood disorders affect the daily chores and interactions of the individual.

• However, individuals with personalities have more difficulty in interacting with others than those who suffer from mood disorders.

• Stability and Constancy:

• Personality disorders are more stable and constant than mood disorders.


Images Courtesy:

  1. Depression via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
  2. Cluster A personality disorders by Snipergirl (CC BY 2.0)