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Difference Between Right and Freedom

Right vs Freedom

Right and freedom are concepts that we hear commonly on television shows and newspapers. While we are all aware of our rights as citizens of our country, and also think what it means to be living a life full of freedom, it becomes hard for most of us to describe the difference between right and freedom. This is because of the similarities in the two concepts that have also been enshrined in the constitution. This article attempts to find out the differences between tight and freedom


Right is a concept that is hard to define but it is certainly that a person is born with. Right remains with the person and he is supposed to die with it. A right is noticed, only when someone tries to take it away as when right to freedom is usurped when there is curtailment of this right. For example, a person has legal rights that are noticed, only when there is a violation of these rights.

Right is a concept that is spoken of in positive terms and a citizen is entitled to his rights from his government. Also, it becomes the duty of the government or the authority to see that the rights of individuals and groups are honored and not violated.


Freedom is the opposite of being constrained. If you have freedom of speech, it means you can speak out your mind without the fear of being condemned or being charged with the violation of the law of the land. Freedom of Press is a phrase that is heard very commonly these days, and it refers to the ability to speak out or write without the fear of those in power. If we can speak what we believe in, it simply means we have freedom of speech. Similarly, freedom to practice any religion means the state does not interfere in the life of an individual and he is free to practice any religion of his choice.

What is the difference between Right and Freedom?

• Right is inalienable and an individual has it all the time. On the other hand, freedom is a concept that is granted by a government, and it is the duty of the government to see that the freedom of the individual is not curbed in any way.

• Freedom is the ability to lead one’s life in a manner one deems fit without the interference of anyone else.

• Every individual has a right to freedom which implies there are no shackles or constraints put in his path, and he is free to live at any place inside the country, move to any place he desires, lead any profession he wants and practice the religion of his choice.

• Freedom means no interference from the government in the affairs of an individual whereas right is something that an individual already has.