Viber vs Vonage Facebook Application (Vonage App)
Viber and Vonage Facebook App are VoIP applications for smart phones or tablets which uses Apple iOS or Android OS. Viber and Vonage Facebook App give free calling among users who have the same app installed on their devices. Viber offers easy registration with mobile number and Vonage Facebook app uses the Facebook login credentials to login to the app to make calls. As per Facebook statistics in 2010, Facebook reached 500 Million active users who may be interested in Vonage App.
Viber is an iPhone application that allows you to make free calls to users who have viber installed on their iphones. At the moment iPhone users can download viber from apple store and install on their iphones. One good thing on this application is, instead of going through registration, it uses your mobile number as username and registers automatically and will drop a verification code to confirm your number.
This application uses the same address book in your iPhone and show a tag against contacts if they are registered viber users. Then you can call them for free but it will use your data plan. Viber users could be anywhere in the world if they are connected to internet you can call them for free.
Only considerable advantage on Viber is, it’s synchronized with iPhone’s phone book contacts and uses your mobile number as username. On the other hand it has disadvantages too.
Viber announces that Android version of Viber application will be launched soon possibly in March 2011.
Vonage Facebook App
Vonage App is a Voice over IP application could be installed on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and any Android devices and make free calls to users who use the same application. Basically it’s also a VoIP application uses mobile data or Wi-Fi Internet to make calls for free but instead of having long registration process, it uses the Facebook login credentials. Since it uses the Facebook’s login details Vonage App users no need to remember friend’s numbers to call and when friend calls it comes with the Facebook Profile photo.
At the moment Vonage App offers free calling among users but possibly moving to mobile voice markets by introducing calls to any number for lower VoIP rates. Since Vonage has already voice business, it’s easy for them to deploy and launch VoIP calling in the same App.
Difference between Viber and Vonage Facebook App
(1) Viber uses mobile number as user name with a quick registration process whereas Vonage App uses Facebook login details without Vonage registration.
(2) Viber Synchronize with address book and tags against the names who also have the same application but Vonage uses Facebook API for user login.
(3) Vonage is already in VoIP and Voice Business thus it’s easy to introduce non user callings or rest of the world calling to any numbers easily.
(4) Viber and Vonage both use mobile data plan or Wi-Fi internet connection to make calls.
Vonage Facebook VoIP App Demonstration
Viber Demonstration
Good Information
This is a member of the Viber Development Team!
Thank you for your review of Viber. we are very happy that so many people worldwide are interested in our application.
I would just like to add that Viber will soon offer a free SMS (text messaging) service. This will happen later this month!
If you have any question about Viber – please feel free to ask.
the Viber Team.
Thanks Viber Team. Looking forward to send Free SMS via viber.
Support for Blackberry and Android would be great, I’ve got an iphone, but most people i know use BB because it’s cheaper. It would be nice to be able to call them as well by viber. Any release date for this? 🙂
Well, Blackberry is much more technologically complex than all the other devices we’re been working on so far (iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android). It’s definitely on our list, but unfortunately we don’t have dates yet 🙁
As for Android – it will be ready by the end of March. Again, we don’t want to promise an exact dates, as these things are very flexible and bound to change. But end of March is definite.
Hi Viber Team,
Will you release MMS like services as well to send images and videos to viber users?