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What is the Difference Between Webcast and Podcast

The key difference between webcast and podcast is that webcasts mainly use a video medium, whereas podcasts mainly use an audio medium.

As technology continues to evolve, new forms of digital media are emerging and transforming the way we consume information and entertainment. Two popular mediums that have gained widespread popularity in recent years are podcasting and webcasting. While both mediums are used for distributing audio or video content over the internet, there are a few differences between them that make them unique.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is a Webcast  
3. What is a Podcast
4. Webcast vs Podcast in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Webcast vs Podcast

What is a Webcast?

A webcast is a live or pre-recorded video broadcast over the internet. It is a type of online event where people can watch and listen to a speaker or performers on their devices, like computers, smartphones, or tablets. People can either watch an event live online or download a recording to watch later. Webcasts are often used for events such as speeches, games, church services, TV shows, and classroom lectures.

Companies use webcasts to train their employees, provide continuing education, and motivate them. For instance, a real estate agency might hire a speaker to webcast from their conference room while agents in different offices watch from their computers. During the webcast, agents can ask questions through their computers, and the speaker can answer them on the spot. Webcasts may also include polls, quizzes, and chat rooms.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is a digital program that can be downloaded over the internet, usually in the form of an episodic series of audio files. When considering the terminology related to podcasts, the term “podcast” refers to a series of episodes that make up the program as a whole, while a “podcast episode” refers to a single recording from within that larger series of episodes.

While podcasts are primarily an audio medium, some programs may include additional video content. They are often a combination of voice, music, and sound effects and tell listeners a story or express opinions on a social issue or trend. Usually, a podcast centers around a specific interest of the producers and the audience. Some of these may be about reviews, humor, ruminations, poetry, reflection, gossip, and personal interviews.

The audience can listen to podcasts through websites or players provided by outlets like iTunes, YouTube, or Soundcloud. Users can save these files onto their personal devices and listen to them at their convenience.

What is the Difference Between Webcast and Podcast?

A webcast is a live or pre-recorded video broadcast over the internet, while a podcast is a digital audio program that is made available on the internet for people to download or stream. Therefore, the key difference between webcast and podcast is that webcasts mainly use a video medium, whereas podcasts mainly use an audio medium. Moreover, webcasts are generally live events, whereas podcasts tend to be pre-recorded events.

When considering their content, webcasts are typically used for events such as speeches, concerts, games, conferences, or lectures, whereas podcasts can cover a wide range of topics and formats, from news and interviews to storytelling, comedy, and educational content. Overall, webcasts tend to be more interactive than podcasts, allowing viewers to participate in real-time, and they often include features such as chat rooms, polls, and quizzes.

The following table summarizes the difference between webcast and podcast.

Summary – Webcast vs Podcast

A webcast is a live or pre-recorded video broadcast used for events, while a podcast is an audio program made available on the internet for people to download or stream. In summary, the key difference between webcast and podcast is their medium and content.


1. “What is a Podcast?”  The Podcast Host.
2. “Webcast.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Serial Podcast” By Casey Fiesler from Atlanta – Serial Podcast (CC BY 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Woman blogger streaming an online yoga class” (CC0) via Raw Pixel