White Bass vs Striped Bass
White bass and Striped bass belong to the same Kingdom (Animalia), Phylum (Chordata), Class (Actinopterygii), Order (Perciformes), Family (Moronidae), and Genus (Morone). These two species of fish can be commonly found in fresh waters and are temperate bass family members.
White Bass
White Bass (Morone chrysops) also known as sand bass are Oklahoma’s state fish. This fish originated in 1959 and usually weighs a quarter of a kilo. They are carnivorous fish which means that their foods are not algae and seaweeds but insect larvae and worms. A visible feature of White Bass is that its sides that has silver-white color with horizontal stripers that sometimes extend up to their tails.
Striped Bass
Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) has some other names like stripers and rockfish. It was back in 1972 when this kind of fish was known. If you are planning to catch striped bass, you might want to be in a group since finding the location of these fish is very hard due to the fact that they tend to wander around open waters in search of their foods.
Difference between White Bass and Striped Bass
In comparison, the body of the White bass is somewhat short and bulky while a stripe bass’ body is more on cylindrical, extended or elongated. Another obvious difference between white bass and striped bass is the stripes in their bodies. In white bass, the stripes are very dull and can not be clearly seen but in the case of stripe bass, even though the some of the stripes lines are not complete and broken, the stripes can be seen visibly. Moreover, the tooth patch in white bass is only one whereas striped bass has two patches.
White bass and striped bass are the two main subjects in bass fishing competition. In the said competition, fishing enthusiasts try their best to capture the largest, the longest, and the heaviest bass may it be a white bass or a striped bass.
In brief: • White bass has dull and faded stripes while the stripes in striped bass are very clear and visible. • The body of white bass is bulky whereas the body of the striped bass is elongated. • White bass’ mouth has only one tooth patch but in striped bass, they have two. |
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