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What is the Difference Between Halitosis and Bad Breath

The key difference between halitosis and bad breath is that an underlying condition causes halitosis, while bad breath is caused by sulphur-containing food such as garlic and onion.

Halitosis and bad breath are two related medical conditions. Most people experience bad breath occasionally. It can be experienced is often encountered first thing in the morning or after eating a heavy meal containing food items like garlic or onions. Bad breath can be easily treated by brushing the teeth or overhauling the routine of oral hygiene. For some people, bad breath is a chronic condition. This is called halitosis and is a result of an underlying condition.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Halitosis 
3. What is Bad Breath
4. Similarities – Halitosis and Bad Breath
5. Halitosis vs. Bad Breath in Tabular Form
6. Summary – Halitosis vs. Bad Breath

What is Halitosis?

Halitosis is due to an underlying health issue. The most common cause of this condition is dry mouth or not producing enough saliva. A dry mouth can be a side effect of medication or a medical condition. Another common cause of halitosis is postnasal drip, which can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and mucus at the back of the throat. In addition, halitosis can also be caused by gum disease, infection, cancer, and many other health conditions. The symptoms of this condition include dry mouth, build-up around teeth, postnasal mucous, burning tongue in the morning, thick saliva, a constant need to clear out the throat, and a bitter metallic taste in the mouth.

Halitosis can be diagnosed through medical history, physical examination, and blood tests. Furthermore, halitosis can be treated by avoiding dehydration and good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing, use of a saline nasal spray, and use of antibiotics such as metronidazole against anaerobic bacteria.

What is Bad Breath?

Bad breath is often caused by food items such as garlic and onion people put into their mouths. Garlic and onion have sulphur-containing compounds. When these compounds mix with bacteria in the mouth, it results in stinky bad breath. During sleep, saliva production decreases, reducing its natural cleansing effect on the teeth and mouth. This increases odor-causing bacteria, which ultimately results in morning breath. The symptoms of this condition may include bad breath experienced first thing in the morning or after eating a heavy meal containing food items such as garlic or onions.

Bad breath can be diagnosed through mainly physical examination. Furthermore, treatment options for bad may include gently brushing teeth and gums at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, gently cleaning the tongue once a day using a tongue scraper, cleaning between teeth with interdental brushes, having regular dental check-ups, keeping dentures clean, using sugar-free mints,  and using an antibacterial toothpaste.

What are the Similarities Between Halitosis and Bad Breath?

What is the Difference Between Halitosis and Bad Breath?

An underlying condition causes halitosis, while bad breath is caused by sulphur-containing foods such as garlic and onion. Thus, this is the key difference between halitosis and bad breath. Furthermore, halitosis is a chronic condition. In contrast, bad breath is not a chronic condition, and it is experienced occasionally.

The infographic below presents the differences between halitosis and bad breath in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.

Summary – Halitosis vs. Bad Breath

Bad breath is unpleasant-smelling breath. Bad breath can be made worse by the types of foods people eat and other unhealthy lifestyles or oral habits. Therefore, bad breath is due to sulphur-containing food such as garlic and onion. However, halitosis is a chronic condition. This medical condition is caused because of dry mouth, not producing enough saliva, postnasal drip, gum disease, infection, cancer, and other health conditions. Moreover, compared to bad breath, halitosis can be very serious and needs immediate or urgent medical intervention. So, this summarizes the difference between halitosis and bad breath.


1. “Bad Breath.” NHS Choices.
2. “Halitosis or Bad Breath.” Better Health Channel.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Depiction of a person who has Halitosis (or bad breath)” By Myupchar (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia