The key difference between lip flip and lip filler is that lip flip makes your lips look fuller without giving an additional volume, whereas lip filler adds volume to your lips and smoothes out the fine lines on your lips.
Both lip flips and lip fillers give your lips a fuller look. These treatments increase your confidence, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and cover your gums more. However, these two methods do not stop the aging process of your lips.
1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Lip Flip
3. What is Lip Filler
4. Lip Flip vs Lip Filler in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Lip Flip vs Lip Filler
What is Lip Flip?
Lip flip is a method that makes your lips look fuller without increasing their volume. This is a non-surgical procedure, and it is done by injecting botulinum toxin into the corners of your mouth and the edges of your lips. These two places are also known as oral commissures and vermillion border, respectively.
When botulinum toxin is injected into your lips, it relaxes the muscles around your upper lip so that it makes the lip ‘flip’ upwards a little, and this makes your lips look larger than normal.
There are different types of botulinum toxin brands, and the word Botox is used to refer to all of these brands. These include abobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport), incobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin), and prabotulinumtoxinA (Jeauveau).
You can go for lip flips if you do not want expensive lip fillers or lip augmentations done. It gives you your desired look and improves your confidence. If you are concerned about pain, you can request to numb your lips before doing this, but numbing is not necessary. During this process, Botox will be injected into your lips using a thin needle. 2-4 units of Botox will be inserted into your upper lip and 2 units into your lower lip. This process takes only 10-20 minutes. Within the next 15 minutes, see whether you get any allergic reactions, nausea, dizziness, angioedema, or substantial bleeding.
What is Lip Filler?
Lip fillers are injections that add volume to your lips. This is a kind of dermal filler. Lip fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance in your body. There are many kinds of lip fillers like Juvederm, Perlane, and Restylane.
Lip fillers last for about 12-18 months. However, this depends on your age and how fast your body breaks down calories into energy. Since young people burn calories fast, lip fillers do not last long.
Before doing a lip filler, your lips are numbed so that you won’t feel any pain. Then using a thin needle, the lip filler is injected into various parts of your lips like vermillion border, cupid’s bow, and oral commissures. Around 1 ml of lip filler will be inserted into your lips. This process will take 30 minutes to 2 hours.
However, there are some risks of lip fillers. They are cold sore reactivation, infection, tenderness, discolouration, tissue death, bleeding, pain, asymmetry, and migration of the lip filler to other parts of your face. To avoid these, you have to do lip filler from a well-experienced healthcare provider.
What is the Difference Between Lip Flip and Lip Filler?
The key difference between lip flip and lip filler is that lip flip makes your lips look fuller without giving an additional volume, whereas lip filler adds volume to your lips and smoothes out the fine lines on your lips. Lip flips inject botulinum toxin or botox into the lip, while lip fillers inject hyaluronic acid into the lips. Moreover, a lip flip procedure is a quick and easy method, while a lip filling procedure usually takes time.
The below infographic presents the differences between lip flip and lip filler in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.
Summary – Lip Flip vs Lip Filler
Lip flip is a method that makes your lips look fuller without increasing their volume. Botulinum toxin or botox is injected in this process. This gives your lips a subtle change with less cost and less time. It will last for about 3 months. Lip fillers are injections that add volume to your lips. Hyaluronic acid is injected in this method. This gives your lips a significant change, and the cost is high. A lip filler will last for about 12-18 months. So, this is the summary of the difference between lip flip and lip filler.
1. “A lip flip can give you fuller, poutier lips in 20 minutes: Here’s how the Botox procedure works.” Insider.
2. “What Are Lip Fillers And How Do They Work?” Skin Clinics.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Cosmetic injection in the lips, close-up” By Marco Verch Professional Photographer (CC BY 2.0)
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