Reggae and ragga are popular genres of music that originated from Jamaica in the 20th century. Reggae originated in the 1960s, whereas Ragga originated in the 1980s, heavily influenced by Reggae. Despite their common origins, there are several differences between the two genres. The key difference between reggae and ragga is their instrumentation. Reggae music […]
What is the Difference Between Folk and Country
Folk and country are two music genres that share many similarities. In fact, some people assume that there is no difference between folk and country music. However, this is a misconception. There are several differences between the two. The key difference between folk and country music is their themes and popularity. Country music often focuses […]
What is the Difference Between Music Composer and Producer
Music composer and producer are two main figures in the creation of music. They make very important contributions to songs and music tracks. However, there is a distinct difference between music composer and producer. The key difference between music composer and producer is their role. A music composer writes the melodies, harmonies, and structure of […]
What is the Difference Between Rock and Disco
Rock and disco are two popular genres of music in the Western music industry. Rock is a style of music with loud electric guitars and strong rhythms. On the other hand, Disco is a dance music style with a steady beat and catchy melodies. The key difference between rock and disco is their features. Rock […]
What is the Difference Between Indie Rock and Alternative Rock
Indie rock and alternative rock are two closely related rock genres that share several similarities. Both are known for their divergence from mainstream rock and their independent ethos. Indie rock is rock music that is independent of major record labels, while alternative rock is rock music that is different from mainstream rock or pop. The […]
Difference Between Melody and Harmony
Melody vs Harmony Melody and harmony are two words commonly used when referring to music that are generally accepted in similar senses. There are many that equate melody to harmony. There is of course difference between melody and harmony when it comes to their application in the field of music. What is Melody? A […]