Did vs Done
Do is a simple and very common action verb in English language that is used many different forms depending upon the tense of the sentence. If something was done in the past at some point of time, you use did as a simple past tense. On the other hand, done is used for something that was performed just before the present but that could not extend into the present. The tense in which done is used is present perfect. The difference between did and done is this simple. This article attempts to make clear the difference between did and done with the help of examples and usage.
Did is a word that refers to the fact of the task or job having been completed at some point of time in the past. If your teacher gave you an assignment to do and enquiring about it, you can tell him in simple past tense that you completed the task at such time and day. When you confirm the fact in simple past tense, you make use of the word did. The following examples will make the meaning more clear.
• We did what the teacher asked us to do
• Do you know what Chris did?
• I did my best under the circumstances
• Melinda did the research in this project
• Brian was candid enough to admit he did it.
Done is a word that is used to describe any activity performed by you that has been completed and is not continuing at present. If you have to say that I have completed my maths homework then you’ll say that I have done my maths homework. Done is usually used when we talk in terms of the simple present tense like I’ve done it and he has done it. Take a look at the following examples.
• Well done John!
• Have you done the math project?
• You have done enough exercises for the day
• I have done the cooking so I am free to watch my favorite serial
What is the difference between Did and Done?
Did is the simple past tense of do whereas done is the present perfect tense of do. If someone is asking you if you have done something, you can always use either of the two tenses in the following manner.
No, I have not done it
No, I did not do it.
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