Facts vs Truths
As facts and truths are two terms that are often misunderstood in terms of their connotations, knowing the difference between facts and truths can only be helpful to anyone. Actually there is some difference between the two terms. One of the most important differences between facts and truths is that facts need not be truths for that matter. Facts and truths are both nouns. The singular forms of facts and truths are fact and truth. Truth has originated from Old English. Both facts and truths are used in phrases as well. For example, in truth, to tell you the truth, facts and figures, etc.
What do Facts mean?
A fact is collected information. A fact is sometimes assumed as true. A fact being true is not necessary. Facts can be arrived at by logical conclusions too. Facts can be mere statistical data. Facts cannot be universal in nature. Though a truth is a truth anywhere in the world, the same cannot be said of facts. Facts are more objective in nature. Facts are often considered permanent when compared to the truths. Facts are believed to exist in reality. For example, if you say that the Sun rises in the east, then it is a fact. It was established long ago. It can thus be said that a fact is the subset of truth. The fact that the Sun rises in the east has become the truth in due course. Another important difference between fact and truth is that a fact answers several questions such as ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how.’
What do Truths mean?
Truth, on the other hand, is the validity of the collected fact. Unlike facts, truths are not arrived at by logical conclusions or assumptions. Moreover, a truth has to be either seen or experienced to prove its validity. Truths cannot be statistical data for that matter. They are universal in nature. A truth is a truth anywhere in the world. Compared to facts, truths are more subjective in nature. Truths can be momentary. This is because of the fact that many scientific truths were disproved not long ago. Unlike facts, truths exist at least for the moment. For example, if you say you are in London at the moment, it points out to the truth of the statement for the moment. The next day you may be elsewhere. Truths can answer only one question, namely ‘why.’
What is the difference between Facts and Truths?
• A fact is collected information. Truth, on the other hand, is the validity of the collected fact. This is the main difference between the two terms, facts and truths.
• Facts can be arrived at by logical conclusions too. On the other hand, truths are not arrived at by logical conclusions or assumptions.
• A truth, on the other hand, has to be either seen or experienced to prove its validity.
• Facts can be mere statistical data. Truths cannot be statistical data for that matter.
• While truths are universal in nature, facts cannot be universal in nature.
• A truth is a truth anywhere in the world. The same cannot be said of facts.
• One of the primary differences between facts and truths is that facts are more objective in their nature whereas truths are more subjective in comparison.
• Compared to facts, truths can be momentary.
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