Lust vs Passion
Lust and Passion, though both refer similar emotions, there is a difference between them in their meanings. Therefore, one has to understand the meanings of lust and passion correctly and use them carefully. As human beings we experience a variety of emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, greed, etc., including lust and passion. Lust and passion are two emotions, which take two different directions. Simply, passion is an intense emotion of love and enthusiasm. In our day to day language, we tend to use it to refer to various objects and even people. However, the word lust, on the other hand, indicates a strong desire for pleasure or else satisfaction. This article attempts to highlight the differences between the two words, lust and passion, through an explanation of the individual meanings.
What is Passion?
When paying attention to the word passion, it can be referred to as an intense love, a blossoming enthusiasm, or even an indicate of anger and hatred. This passion can be directed towards a person or else an object or activity. For example, when we say;
He is a passionate lover.
This highlights that the individual is an ardent lover. It can even be related to strong feelings of sexual love. However, the word passion can also be used for activities or else objects such as in the case of employment or hobbies.
He has a great passion for his work.
According to the example stated above, the sentence does not highlight the idea of love as in the case of the first example, but more of an enthusiasm and excitement of the individual towards his work. It suggests that the person is very enthusiastic about his work and enjoys his work. When an individual is passionate about something, he or she attempts to perform the task to the best of his or her ability. In this sense, passion can be considered as a positive energy. Most of us have hobbies such as music, sports and, other activities of which we are very much interested in. When this interest is rather strong or intense, we consider it a passion as it allows us to enjoy engaging in that particular activity through the development of a strong liking towards it.

“He is a passionate lover.”
What is Lust?
Lust refers to a strong sexual desire or else a very strong desire that needs fulfillment and gaining pleasure. Just as in the case of passion, lust can also be directed at a person or else an object. Let us understand this through examples.
His attractions were based on pure lust.
When looking at the example, it suggests that the word lust denotes sexual desire that is devoid of love. Especially, when speaking of relationships, the term lust is used when there is no love between the two parties but only sexual desire. Now let us look at another example.
The modern day politicians have a lust for power.
The example above is a stereotypical image of politicians. The word lust highlights a sense of hunger that needs to be fulfilled and also a desire of pleasure. However, unlike in the case of passion, lust has a more negative meaning associated to it.
What is the difference Lust and Passion?
• Passion can be defined as an intense love, enthusiasm, or excitement directed towards an individual or else an object or activity.
• Lust refers to a strong sexual desire or else a very strong desire that needs fulfillment and gaining pleasure. This can also be of another person or else an object too.
• The significant difference is that while passion is channeled towards something of great liking, lust is channeled towards the self as a means of gaining pleasure.
• Passion can be considered as a positive energy. Lust has a more negative meaning associated to it.
Images Courtesy: Romeo and Juliet kissing in a painting by Sir Frank Dicksee via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
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