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Difference Between Manic and Mania

Manic vs Mania

When speaking of psychological conditions and mental illnesses we often hear the words manic and mania which need to be understood with an idea about the difference between them. Mania usually refers to a psychological condition where an individual who is suffering from it would feel euphoric, hyperactive, and delusional. However, manic can be defined as affected by mania. This can be an individual or else an episode, whereas mania refers to the condition or illness itself. This is the significant difference between the two terms. This article attempts to highlight the difference between manic and mania while elaborating on both terms.

What is Mania?

Mania refers to a psychological condition which makes an individual feel euphoric, hyperactive and even delusional. Such a person can have intense moods where the person would feel highly energetic. Mania is diagnosed as a condition of bipolar disorder. A person suffering from bipolar disorder tends to have both manic episodes and also depression.

At the initial phase, mania can bring an excessive exuberance, where the individual would be full of confidence, creativity and energy. However, this is only one form of mania. Once this phase comes to an end it is followed by anxiety, depression and even agitated behaviour. Generally, a person who suffers from mania feels emotions very intensely making it difficult to keep emotions in check. The severity of mania also changes from one condition to another. Individuals who are suffering from a milder degree of mania a re considered to be suffering from hypomania.

What is Manic?

Manic as mentioned above refers to affected by mania. In this sense, this is an adjective in the language used to describe an individual or else an episode. An episode is not a psychological illness by itself; it is more of a condition that is just one component of illness. First let us look at the behaviour of an individual who is suffering from mania. The individual feels excessively happy and confident and has the conception that he or she is special and is invincible. Such individuals can be easily aggravated and can be irritable. They would engage in risky behaviour and makes poor choices and is usually out of character. These people encounter difficulties in their personal and work life due to these characteristics.

On the other hand, a manic episode takes place for a short period where the individual would feel euphoric, or irrationally irritable. When the person is experiencing manic episodes he or she would feel overly confident and happy as if the person can conquer anything and then this would be followed by depression where the person would feel very low and lacking energy. Manic episodes can occur if the person is suffering from some sort of bipolar disorder.

What is the difference between Manic and Mania?

• Mania usually refers to a psychological condition where the individual who is suffering from it would feel euphoric, hyperactive and delusional.

• The severity of mania changes from one condition to another.

• Mania is diagnosed as a condition of bipolar disorder.

• Manic can be defined as affected by mania.

• Manic describes an individual or else an episode.

• An individual who experiences a manic episode can show symptoms of mania such as feeling euphoric, extremely confident and would not even feel the necessity for regular sleep.