Key Difference – Narcissist vs Sociopath
Narcissist and sociopath are two words used in describing people with extreme personalities between which a key difference can be observed. Both words relate to separate sets of characteristics or traits allowing us to identify a Narcissist or a sociopath in a person. Both these types of people usually have negative effects on the society. Some characteristics of the two overlap and hence it is important to identify how these could be separated from each other, which is, in fact, the key focus of this article. Simply, a Narcissist is a person who is overly self-involved and usually vain and selfish, as well. On the other hand, A sociopath is a person who is suffering from antisocial personality disorder. As you can see there is a difference between the two. Through this article let us examine the difference further.
Who is a Narcissist?
Narcissist is a person who is overly self-involved and usually vain and selfish, as well. Egotism, pride, vanity and selfishness are inseparable signs of a Narcissist. The word Narcissist arises from Greek mythology. According to the myth there was Narcissus, a Greek youth who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool and turned into a flower while gazing at his own reflection. Narcissist is easily identified by the characteristics such as obvious self-focus, problems in sustaining relationships, lack of empathy, hypersensitivity to insults and imaginary insults, heightened shame than guilt, detesting non-admirers, bragging and exaggerating own achievements, claiming to be an expert in many things, denial of gratitude, lack of respect to other people’s perspectives, pretending to be more important than they actually are, and flattery towards admirers etc.
Psychologists identify different forms of narcissism such as aggressive, collective, conversational, destructive, sexual, spiritual, primordial, and many more. The severity of Narcissism may vary depending on what form of Narcissistic behavior is prominent. A healthy level of Narcissism is not so bad because it allows a person to be confident and feel important. But if a person is excessively Narcissistic, it is considered as a mental disorder which is referred to as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NAD).
Who is a Sociopath?
A sociopath is a person who is suffering from antisocial personality disorder. They lack the moral responsibility towards the society. Some researchers say they have found abnormalities in the brain of sociopaths and believe that this behavior arises from wrong programming in the brain. Usually sociopaths start showing disrespect to law and order and rights of others from age of 15 onwards. Characteristics and behaviors of a sociopath include superficial charm, extreme Narcissism, secretiveness, pathological lying, and lack of guilt or shame, shallow emotions, impulsiveness, unreliability, irresponsibility, being manipulative, paranoid, infidelity and many others. These characteristics may overlap with characteristics of a Narcissist because extreme Narcissism is a quality of a sociopath.
What is the difference between a Narcissist and a Sociopath?
Definitions of Narcissist and Sociopath:
Narcissist: A Narcissist is a person who is overly self-involved and usually vain and selfish.
Sociopath: A sociopath is a person who is suffering from antisocial personality disorder.
Characteristics of Narcissist and Sociopath:
Personality disorder:
Narcissist: Every Narcissist is not suffering from a personality disorder; it is only a character of extreme Narcissism.
Sociopath: A sociopath is a person who is suffering from antisocial personality disorder.
Social threat:
Narcissist: A narcissist is not always a social threat.
Sociopath: A sociopath is considered as a social threat most of the time.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Narcissus-Caravaggio (1594-96) edited” by Caravaggio – scan. [Public Domain] via Commons
2. Internet Dating By Welleman (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
darkanser says
Telling me that sociopaths suffer from a personality disorder — as if that distinguishes them from narcissists –tells me very little. Why is narcissism not considered a personality disorder?
John says
A psychopath is born with a brain defect. A pathological narcissist is created by unloving, uncaring parents or parent which prevents him from learning love and empathize. Also extreme abuse such as sexual or violent can cause a narcissist to be traumatized to an extent that the event(s) are buried deeply in the subconscious mind and aren’t remembered by the narcissist. Also any emotion of love or empathy also is destroyed. Also a child who is overly praised and convinced that they surpass others in all ways can adhere to this, becoming narcissistic. I believe emphasizing narcicissism in it’s destructive state is what most people are concerned with. My mother was a narcissist and I was married to 3 narcissists. Only actual experience of the abuse by these individuals can reveal how they can permanently damage a victim of theirs. Text book theory cannot even touch the reality of devastation they can cause to their victims.
Ed says
Sociopaths tend To be criminals Narcissist Are Just Ego Maniacs Who Live In A Delusional World
Donna Rowe says
This is one way to look at it.
A narcissist needs the constant non-ending admiration and attention of everyone hey come in contact with. They live in a fantasy world where they alone are the shining star. Its all about how great they are and everyone needs to know it and show deference to their greatness. They tend to be drama queens if not showered with love and adoration at all times. If you become romantically involved with them, they will slowly suck the very life out of you.
A sociopath on the other hand could care less what anyone thinks about them and what they do. They live in a guilt
free world where its okay to do whatever they want, whenever they want, to whoever they want. Its all about what they want in the moment. They tend to be calculating and yes – dangerous if they don’t get their way. If you become romantically involved with them and get in the way of what they want, you may end up in a shallow grave in some out of the way place.
What should you do if you come across anyone who fits either description – run away as fast as you can and don’t even take the time to look back – just keeping running away – really fast.
Karl says
Beautifully said, Donna! Thank you. Very clear, very succinct, very true in my experience. With all the many articles, definitions, explanations, and examples I’ve recently read – your comment wraps it up the best I’ve seen. Thank you.