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Difference Between Opportunity and Idea

Opportunity vs Idea


Opportunity and Idea are two words in the English language between which certain differences can be identified. Most people tend to confuse these two words as synonymous. However, it has to be stated that when it comes to the meanings and connotations, these have to be viewed as two different words. First let us define the two words so that the meaning is clear. Opportunity refers to a favorable time or situation for doing something. For an example when we say ‘I think it is an excellent opportunity that allows you to expand your horizons,’ this refers to a particular situation that is favorable for the individual. On the other hand, idea refers to a thought or suggestion about a possible course of action. When we say ‘I have an idea,’ it usually presents a suggestion that the speaker has. This highlights that an opportunity and idea refer to two different things. Through this article, let us examine the difference while gaining an understanding of each word.

 What is an Opportunity?

First let us begin with the word ‘Opportunity’. The word ‘opportunity’ can be defined as a favorable time or situation for doing something. We all get various opportunities in life. It can be related to a career, to studies, etc. The specialty is that an opportunity is always viewed in a positive light. Simply it can refer to ‘chance’. Let us look at some sentences with the word opportunity to understand its usage.

  1. He was offered a business opportunity.
  2. The fielder missed the opportunity.

In the first sentence the word ‘opportunity’ indicates the meaning of ‘chance’. Hence, the meaning of the sentence would be ‘he was offered a business chance’. Or ‘he was offered a chance to do businesses. In the second sentence, the reader understands that the fielder was offered a chance by the batsman to catch the ball, but he missed the chance. Thus the word ‘opportunity’ often refers to a chance. It is interesting to note that the word ‘opportunity’ often is followed by the preposition ‘to’ as in the sentence ‘he was given an opportunity to show his caliber’. In this sentence, you can see that the word ‘opportunity’ is followed by the preposition ‘to’. Now let us move on to the next word.

What is an Idea?

The word ‘idea’ refers to a plan that is triggered by the thinking faculty of the mind as in the sentence ‘he thought of an idea to get rid of the problem’. In this sentence, the word ‘idea’ refers to a plan thought of by him to get rid of a certain problem. This is the main difference between the two words ‘idea’ and ‘opportunity’.  While the word opportunity refers to a favorable situation or a chance that an individual has, idea refers to a plan or even a suggestion. For an example, when we say ‘I think it is an excellent idea, we should do it.’ This refers to a particular suggestion, which is being approved by another as a good plan. The word ‘idea’ is also often followed  by the preposition ‘to’ as in the sentence ‘he got an idea to send him to the village’. In this sentence, the word ‘idea’ is followed by the preposition ‘to’. This is the difference between the two words, namely, idea, and opportunity, and it has to be understood with precision.

What is the Difference Between Opportunity and Idea?

Image Courtesy:

1. “Muralitharan bowling to Adam Gilchrist” by Rae Allen from Brisbane, Australia – IMGP0719 – muralitharan. [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

2. Still life in a village 1880 by Antal Tahi [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons