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Difference Between Pepsi and Pepsi Max

Pepsi vs Pepsi Max

The difference between Pepsi and Pepsi Max is due to the contents of each drink. Pepsi is one of the top cola drinks in the world, selling in nearly all countries of the world. Its main competitor in all places is coke, and when coke came up with diet coke with much less sugar and zero calories for the health conscious people, Pepsi followed suit. It was in 1993 that Pepsi came up with a new cola, which promised not just a low calorie and sugar free beverage that was presented as a healthy drink for all those looking for an alternative to Pepsi and Diet Pepsi but also a drink that provided energy when needed. Many people remain confused with Pepsi Max, as they feel that Diet Pepsi was enough for obese people and who needed a low calorie and sugar-free drink. In this article, we shall attempt to find out the differences between Pepsi and Pepsi Max, to see if there is any radical difference between the two types of drinks.

What is Pepsi?

Pepsi is the equivalent to Coca-Cola and is produced by the PepsiCo Company. Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink that people very much like to drink. Pepsi is told to contain ingredients such as carbonated water, sugar, caramel color, caffeine, phosphoric acid, citric acid, natural flavors, and high fructose corn syrup.

Since Pepsi contained a high amount of sugar, it was not the choice for people suffering from obesity. So, in order to fit that market, PepsiCo decided to introduce a new type of Pepsi drink.

What is Pepsi Max?

The reason why PepsiCo needed to introduce a new drink in the market despite there being Diet Pepsi already for obese and overweight people is more of a marketing ploy than anything else. The majority of the population in the US is overweight as a result of consuming high-calorie junk food and processed foods. These people try to cut down on their calories by switching over to Diet Pepsi. But the fact is that even consuming Diet Pepsi is no guarantee of weight loss for such obese people. Diet Pepsi already is calorie free and low sugar. Yet, the company decided to go ahead with Pepsi Max because, in addition to being branded as a low calorie and zero sugar drink, Pepsi max is branded as a drink that makes people more alert and free from sleep for the time being. There are some more ingredients that have been added to make the drink more healthy and wholesome than Pepsi.

If you have been drinking Pepsi regularly, you know that it contains 38 mg of caffeine that makes a person feel more alert and less sleepy. In Pepsi Max, this dose of caffeine has been nearly doubled as it stands at 69 mg. Another ingredient that is not there in Pepsi but has been added to Pepsi Max is ginseng, which is being publicized as being critical in promoting health. Ginseng is an ancient Chinese herb that is known to improve physical and mental health of a person. The inclusion of Ginseng in Pepsi Max has been used by PepsiCo as a way to appeal to all those who are health conscious.

What is the difference between Pepsi and Pepsi Max?

Pepsi Max is a brand from PepsiCo that is different from regular Pepsi in many respects.

• Calorie Content:

• Pepsi cola has calories.1

• Pepsi max has no calories.2

• Sugar Content:

• Pepsi cola has a high sugar content.

• Pepsi Max is a sugar-free cola.

• Caffeine:

• Pepsi max has 69 mg of caffeine, which is double of the dose of caffeine in Pepsi (38 mg).

• Ginseng:

• Pepsi Max contains ginseng while Pepsi does not contain ginseng.

• Ingredients:

• Pepsi contains carbonated water, sugar, caramel color, caffeine, phosphoric acid, citric acid, natural flavors and high fructose corn syrup.

• Pepsi Max contains carbonated water, caffeine, caramel color, phosphoric acid, Acesulfame potassium, citric acid, Panax ginseng extract, Calcium disodium EDTA, Aspartame, Potassium Benzoate and natural flavor.

As you can see, both Pepsi and Pepsi Max are productions of PepsiCo. They are both created to meet the demand of the people.



  1. Pepsi
  2. Pepsi Max


Images Courtesy:

  1. Pepsi by Håkan Dahlström (CC BY 2.0)
  2. Pepsi Max bottle by User:boweruk (CC BY-SA 3.0)