Physical vs Biological Science
In this age of close cooperation and intermingling of different streams, it may seem odd that one is trying to find differences between physical and biological sciences but this is necessary to enable many who think of science as one monolithic structure and cannot make out differences between this broad classification of science subjects. This article attempts to highlight these differences so as to let students decide on their future course of study.
Physical sciences are subjects that seek to expand our knowledge about the universe. It does not study living organisms, rather focuses on matter, energy, and all kinds of substances. It includes the study of mathematics and the structures, from microscopic (atoms and molecules) to some of the largest (planets, stars, and the sun). It explains everything about the universe from the beginning of time. This implies that subjects like physics, math, chemistry, geology, oceanography, etc get included in physical science.
On the other hand, biological sciences help us understand all details about life in general and living organisms in particular. These sciences seek to advance our understanding of the principles and mechanisms that govern life on our planet. This is indeed a very vast subject area and ranges from structure and working of molecules inside organisms to the study of proteins, nucleic acids, RNA and DNA to cells, organs and finally organisms of all shapes and sizes. Biological sciences include subjects like botany, zoology, genetics, microbiology, paleontology, plant biology and so on.
It is clear that our knowledge and understanding of things around us is not complete unless we take into account both matter and organisms that are found in our environment. Physical sciences prepare the ground work to be able to broaden our understanding of creatures, flora and fauna around us.
In brief: Difference Between Physical Science and Biological Science • The broad classification of science subjects between physical and biological sciences is arbitrary and often gets blurred in this age of interdisciplinary approach of study • However, in general physical sciences seek to enhance our understanding about nature and properties of substances, energy and all non living matter • Biological sciences help us to understand life forms on this planet which is a huge subject matter that ranges from smallest (molecules, DNA, nucleic acid etc) to the largest creatures and trees found on our planet • Examples of physical sciences are physics, chemistry, math, geology, oceanography etc while examples of biological sciences are biology, botany, zoology, microbiology, genetics etc.
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