Poot vs Fart
Poot and fart are, in all cases, the sound made when air coming from your stomach is released in the air through your butt. This is a natural thing of course, one that every human has experienced, a lot, especially after eating sweet potatoes or beans.
A poot is the “silent” hum produced when a person passed gas. Usually, ladies’ fart is considered a poot because they produce hushed sound. This could be because a woman is shy to let others know that she has farted. So maybe, if she is about to let go of that gas then she may opt to slowly release it into the air thereby minimizing the sound it may produced.
A fart, well, is a shouting poot. That’s it! And men are usually the one who are doing the farting. This could be because men are proud of their fart. They want to show to the world that farting is a man’s world. This could also be the reason why people think that men fart more often than women, which is usually not true. Everybody farts unless if one is dead.
Difference between Poot and Fart
The difference of a poot to a fart is very thin. Maybe the only disparity would be how people term it. Or maybe it could be differentiated by looking at the producers of the sound, that is men fart while women poot. A fart is typically louder than a poot. Well, this is because fart sounds are created when the released gas from the stomach vibrates in the opening wall of the anus. By controlling the speed of the release one can also control the level of sound it may create. Therefore, a gradual release causes a poot, a fast release causes a fart.
Other than that and whatever you may call it, a poot or a fart, or from whoever released it, be it a man or a woman, the fact that it stinks and is all but natural.
In brief: • A fart is louder than a fart. • Men are proud of farting while women are not, this could be the reason why a women’s fart is called a poot. • Both are naturally stinky. |
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