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Difference Between Pride and Humility

Key Difference – Pride vs Humility

Pride and humility are two words that are often used in contrast to each other. The key difference between pride and humility is their meaning; pride can refer to having an excessively high view of one’s importance whereas humility refers to having a modest or low view of one’s importance. A proud person always considers himself superior to others whereas a humble person doesn’t.

1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What does Pride Mean
3. What does Humility Mean
4. Side by Side Comparison – Pride vs Humility
5. Summary

What Does Pride Mean?

The word pride has two somewhat contrarily meanings. Pride can be a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction resulting from one’s own achievements, achievements of one’s close family and friends, or from possessions or qualities that are widely admired. It is natural for people to feel proud when they have achieved something great. It is also natural to feel proud of an achievement of one’s family member or friend. Thus, this type of pride is a natural human emotion. In this sense, pride can be a positive emotion, related to satisfaction, dignity, and motivation.

However, pride also has a negative aspect. It is generally excessive pride that is harmful to oneself. If a person has an excessively high opinion of oneself and feels that he or she is superior to others, he or she is also called a proud person. This kind of pride is a negative trait in a person. Such type of a person may be overconfident, arrogant and often unaware of one’s faults. Thus, this type of pride is a weakness and a character flaw.

Figure 02: Quote about Pride

What Does Humility Mean?

Humility can be defined as having a modest or low view of one’s importance. This is the exact opposite of being excessively proud or arrogant. Humility is a strength in a person because humble a person is not overly confident of himself and can recognize his faults and weaknesses.

The following methods are taken from a quote by Mother Teresa’s on how to practice humility.

The term humility is also often used in religious contexts. The concept of humility is important in most religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. This mostly refers to recognition of oneself in relation to God/deities, acceptance of one’s flaws, and submission to the grace of the god as a member of a religion.

Figure 01: A proverb about humility

What is the difference between Pride and Humility?

Pride vs Humility

Pride can refer to having an excessively high view of one’s importance. Humility refers to having a modest or low view of one’s importance.
Pride is a weakness. Humility is a strength.
Acceptance of Faults
A proud person cannot accept his faults and weaknesses. A humble person readily accepts his faults and weaknesses and attempts to correct them.
  Attitude towards Others
A proud person often sees himself superior to others. A humble person does not feel that he is superior to others.
Associated Feelings  
Excessive pride is associated with vanity, arrogance, hubris, and overconfidence. Humility is associated with modesty, confidence, and unpretentiousness.

Summary – Pride vs Humility

While the term pride has both negative and positive aspects, it is the negative aspect of humility, i.e., the excessive pride that is always referred to in comparison with humility. In this negative sense, pride is the exact opposite of humility. Pride refers to having an excessively high opinion of oneself whereas humility refers to having a modest opinion of oneself. This is the main difference between pride and humility. Humility is a strength whereas pride is a weakness.

Teresa. In the heart of the world: thoughts, stories & prayers. Ed. Becky Benenate. Novato, CA: New World Library, 2010. Print.