Refugee vs Asylum
Although the terms refugee and asylum are understood, in the same way, there is of course differences between the two. First let us define the two words. A refugee is a person who is outside the country of his origin or nationality. On the other hand, an asylum is a place meant to provide security for refugees. This is the main difference between the two words. Through this article let us examine the words and also differentiate the two in terms of their meaning.
Who is a Refugee?
As mentioned above, a refugee is a person who is outside the country of his origin or nationality due to the fear of persecution for reasons of race, nationality, religion or individual political opinion and who is unwilling to avail himself of the protection offered by that country. It is understood that a refugee is unwilling to accept the security measures offered to him by the country where he finds insecurity resulting from the fear of persecution for various reasons.
Refugees are defined as legal groups. It is quite natural that the majority of refugees who leave their country seek asylum in neighboring countries or regions. They tend to go not too far from their country of nationality. The refugee law states that a refugee takes refuge in a foreign land fearing war and violence too. Politically it is believed that the largest source countries of refugees are Afghanistan, Myanmar, Iraq, Sudan, Sri Lanka and the Palestinian territories. Now let us move on to the word asylum.
What is an Asylum?
An asylum is a place meant to provide security for the so-called refugees. Thus, an asylum is a sanctuary or a place of refuge and protection where criminals and debtors found shelter. It is important to know that the criminals cannot be forcibly taken without sacrilege from an asylum. In short it can be said that an asylum is a place of retreat and security.
It is interesting to note that a refugee is called an asylum seeker until he is sanctioned and granted a place in the asylum. It is thus understood that asylum seekers are sanctioned a better living place in the asylum that can be any other country or territory. An asylum is an institution for the protection or relief of some class of destitute, unfortunate or troubled persons.
What is the Difference Between a Refugee and Asylum?
Definitions of Refugee and Asylum:
Refugee: A refugee is a person who is outside the country of his origin or nationality due to the fear of persecution.
Asylum: An asylum is a place meant to provide security for the so-called refugees.
Characteristics of Refugee and Asylum:
Refugee: A refugee is an individual.
Asylum: An asylum is a place or an institution where refugees can live in security. It is similar to a safe haven.
Refugee: Refugee is a legal status given to groups of people.
Asylum: An asylum is a place where even criminals can live in security. Also, these criminals cannot be forcibly taken without sacrilege from an asylum.
Image Courtesy:
1.”Kibativillagers” by Julien Harneis [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons
2.”Darfur refugee camp in Chad” by Mark Knobil from Pittsburgh, usa – Camp. [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons
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