Republicans vs Conservatives
Republicans and Conservatives have started to air out their differences more vocally and more pronounced in the past couple of years, though it was said that all Republicans were supposedly conservatives.
Republicans can refer to a supporter of a republic. It refers to the people who believe in the form of government wherein freedom from dictatorship rules. Republicans believe that the government has no right to tax its people with amounts that are unrealistic in comparison to the recent economy. Republicans also promote small enterprise to promote the economy. Republican is one of the 2 major political parties in the United States.
Conservatives are group of individuals, mostly republicans who have a different view or philosophy in the political world. Conservatives have both a political and social philosophy that allows traditional institutions to be upheld and maintained in the government. It also allows and assists the social changes that are occurring every day. There are other conservatives who would rather maintain how things were and would rather have stability instead of change.
Difference Between Republicans and Conservatives
Republicans are political party while conservatives believe in the fiscal policy also called as philosophies. Republicans believe that by using tax money, the state will progress. Conservatives on the other hand, believe that tax money should not be wasted. Conservatives means that the government should not waste the people’s money but rather should spend less in order to gain more. Republicans are members of the Republican Party whereas conservatives are members of the party who has a more conservative view of the government. Republicans may or may not be a conservative political member.
Both revolve around politics and are quite disgruntled by the fact that their differences are not made more pronounce. As mentioned, republicans are political party members but do not mean that they are all conservative in terms of political views.
In brief: • Republican is a political party whereas conservative is a philosophy. • Republicans are for tax money to be used while conservatives believe otherwise. |
bladerunner998 says
Thanks for this!
Albert says
Conservatives no longer have a home within the Republican party. Today’s Republican party is made up of spineless wimps who blindly go along with any attempt by Democrats to undermine and attack conservative principles and ideas, and who blindly support legislation that is inconsistent with the conservative agenda. Sadly, the party no longer speaks with an underlying or unifying conservative voice. Having identified as a conservative since the Reagan era, it’s only a matter of time before I abandon the Republican party altogether and join another political party that’s not afraid to show support for traditional conservatism and that’s not afraid put conservative principles into practice.
J says
SleepyBasement Biden says
The left Democrats are way too radical with all these riots and racism with their Antifa. Conservatives still are more towards the Republican
Tommy says
Albert is corrent: Republicans are no longer “conservative”. Being conservative can be viewed governmentally, financially, and environmentally. Governmentally, conservatives respect states’ rights (minimizing federal government influence). Texas didn’t want a border wall, especially where there were wildlife refuges that were on the border. Also, Republicans are currently suing states to exclude mail-in/drive-in ballots in some states. Voting should be managed by the states. Financially, there have been $1trillion deficits in each year 2017-2019, and it looks like 2020 will have one, too. Republicans say that the deficits resulted from reduced taxes. I doubt it. $1trillion is a $1million x 1 million. That’s just too much from a tax reduction. At least half of that $1trillion went to increased spending, possibly to Republican corporate donners. Environmentally, the Republicans are diminishing the EPA and allowing drilling on national park lands. Wasn’t it Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, that initiated the national park system? Wasn’t it Ron Reagan, a Republican, that established the EPA? Republicans do not espouse conservative values
K.I. says
Tommy Says, I believe you are missing the point about concervatives. Trying to break down concervatism into different aspects do not help. Most concervatives believe in personal responsibility. If someone is a responsible person, he/she would care about the environment as much as liberals.
Unfortunately not everyone is educated to the same level and some folks just like to be lead (a result of inadequate education), so there would be difference in opinions.
The EPA example, was a poor choice. EPA is a government agency that is inefficient, outdated, and grossly overvalued. EPA is doing a poor job in defining safe limits of chemicals nowadays. the European environmental agency is more concervative and creates better standards, imo. EPA needs to dissolved completely, they are currently wasting tax payers money.
An example of any profitable or self-sustained Federal government agency doesn’t exist to my knowledge: USPS, schools (controlled by Fed ruled and regulations), Obamacare, SSA, NASA, IRS and others are either failing government organizations or have faulty presumptuous about citizens, which they suppose to serve.
I believe responsible concervatives are the backbone of US. They are who are trying to raise kids responsibly, work, exercise financial responsibility and don’t count on government handouts. Unfortunately there is no clearvblack and white, and even responsible person makes mistakes and needs help sometimes.
Brad says
Most Republican politicians claim to be Conservative. They run on conservative ideals, but if elected their voting record shows otherwise. They vote in favor of laws that chip away at the constitution of the US. Such as the Second Amendment and the First. With a few exceptions, they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. One example that comes to mind is Mitt Romney.He along with others (many) like Former Pres. G.W. Bush, The late John McCain and a host of others are still occupying Conservative space, with a Liberal (NWO) agendas.
Elle Dennison says
I feel like people should not have to be in a box just because they have different beliefs than us
Tara kohl says
We need all new people ones we know r complete and honest for working for we the people and only the people and for term limits as well
Christopher says
I move to Republican from Democrat because . Democrat became big lier’s it was sad sad