The key difference between row and column is that the row refers to an arrangement in horizontal form whereas the column refers to an arrangement in vertical form.
Row and column are two words that have opposite meanings. We use these words when we are talking about various topics such as data tables, spreadsheets, architecture, and classroom settings. Basically, a row refers to an arrangement from left to right or right to left whereas a column refers to an arrangement from top to bottom or bottom to top.
1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is a Row
3. What is a Column
4. Side by Side Comparison – Row vs Column in Tabular Form
6. Summary
What is a Row?
A row basically refers to an arrangement in horizontal form, in other words, from left to right or right to left. When we are talking about a row of things or people, we are referring to a number of people or things in more or less a straight line. Some other examples of rows include lines of seats in a theatre or a street with a continuous line of houses along one/both of its side.

Figure 01: Row of Houses
You can also find rows in tables, spreadsheets and databases. In spreadsheets like MS Excel, rows are represented using numbers.
What is a Column?
A column refers to an arrangement in vertical form. In other words, this is an arrangement from top to bottom or bottom to top. Columns can refer to the arrangement of words, numbers, objects or data. However, unlike row, we don’t usually use this word to describe people. For example, we can say a row of people, but not a column of people. We can also see columns in tables, spreadsheets and databases. Division of tables and spreadsheets into rows and columns makes it easier for the find the necessary data. Most spreadsheets use letters to represent columns.

Figure 02: Rows and Columns
Column can also refer to a supporting pillar found in a building. Therefore, this also refers to the vertical arrangement.
What is the Difference Between Row and Column?
Row refers to a horizontal arrangement of something whereas column refers to a vertical arrangement of something. This is the fundamental basic difference between row and column. To add to this, the rows run from right to left or left to right while the columns are from top to bottom, or bottom to top.
Now let us look at the difference between row and column in usage. We usually describe a line of people or seats as a row, but the word cannot be used to describe people. Column usually refers to an arrangement of words, numbers, objects or data. Moreover, in most spreadsheets, numbers represent rows whereas letters represent columns.
The below infographic presents the difference between row and column in tabular form.
Summary – Row vs Column
We use the two words row and column when we are talking about various topics such as data tables, spreadsheets, architecture, and classroom settings. The difference between row and column is that the row refers to an arrangement in horizontal form whereas the column refers to an arrangement in vertical form.
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I always like to use the periodic table as an example of rows and columns.
Rows go left to right and columns go top to bottom. And relationships exist both ways.