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Difference Between Sultanas and Currants

Sultanas vs Currants

Sultanas and Currants are two varieties of raisins that have some differences between them. Sultanas are raisins that are found mostly in the continent of Europe. These raisins are said to have come out of the seedless grape. It is important to know that sultanas are softer too. They are, in fact, sweeter than any other variety of raisins. On the other hand, the dried currant raisin is a very popular variety of raisin, and it is interesting to note that this variety is made from Black Corinth grape called Zante. One of the important characteristics of currant is that it is very tiny in size, and it tastes very sweet indeed. Let us see more information about each item to see the difference between them.

What is Sultana?

Sultana is a variety of raisins which is known as golden raisins in the United States. The sultanas are made from white seedless grapes. It is indeed produced from the sultana variety of grape. Sultanis and sultanas are the names often used to refer to this type of raisins. Sultanas are chiefly produced in Turkey. In the production process, sultanas are treated with sulfur dioxide and are heated artificially. This is to hasten its drying process.

When it comes to the appearance, sultana is very soft indeed. Sultanas are golden in color and they are large and juicy. Sultana for that matter does not resemble a berry. Sultanas are used as snack foods. They are also used in dishes such as fruit cake and bath bun.

What is Currants?

Currants are made by drying black or dark red seedless grapes. It is also known as Corinthian raisins. In United States, currents are known as Zante currants. Sometimes, the word currant is also used to indicate any type of red, white, or blackberry from the gooseberry species of fruits. It is important to know that more than 85% of the world produce of currants is from Greece.

Though currants are generally understood as dried black seedless grapes, it is quite natural to confuse currants with dried berries. There is an important distinction between them though. It is important to know that the currant raisin does not look like the currant berry. The major difference between currant and berry is that currant is much harder when compared to berry. When compared with sultanas too, you will see that currants are hard and shriveled. Also, the dried currants are extremely sweet and aromatic too. If you take their usage, currants are used as snack food and in a variety of dishes such as currant cake, currant slice, scones, Christmas cake, mincemeat, Christmas pudding, and currant buns.

What is the difference between Sultanas and Currants?

Sultanas and currants are very popular raisin types made from grapes.

• Grape variety:

• Sultanas are made from white seedless sultana variety of grapes.

• Currants are made from black or dark red seedless grapes.

• Color:

• Sultanas are golden in color.

• Currants are black in color.

• Taste:

• Sultanas are sweeter than any other raisin category.

• Currants are also very sweet, but less sweet than sultanas.

• Size:

• Sultanas are plumper and bigger.

• Currants are tiny raisins.

• Other names:

• Sultanas are known as Golden Raisins in United States.

• Currants are also known as Corinthian raisins and, in the United States, it is known as Zante currants.

• Uses:

• Sultanas are used as snack foods. They are also used in dishes such as fruit cake and bath bun.

• Currants are also used as snack food. They are used in a variety of dishes such as currant cake, currant slice, scones, Christmas cake, mincemeat, Christmas pudding and currant buns.

These are the major differences between sultanas and currants. Now, as you can see both sultanas and currants are raisins made by drying grapes. Sultanas use white seedless grapes. Currants use dark red seedless grapes. They are both sweet; sultanas are sweeter than currants. They are both used in a variety of dishes to make them tastier. Usually, they are used in baked products such as scones, fruit cake, Christmas cake, etc. Both are also used as snacks. That means, you can just eat them without adding them to another food item. Both sultanas and currants help cooks in kitchens to make their food items taste better.


Images Courtesy:

  1. Sultanas by Abhinav619 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  2. Zante currants by Marc Kupper (CC BY-SA 3.0)