Training vs Development
Training and development are closely interrelated terms that aim to help in achieving the objectives of the company while at the tame time increasing the efficiency and productivity of the employees. Though similar in a broader sense, there are many differences between training and development that will be highlighted in this article.
Training of a new employee is an integral part of his induction and orientation. Training is imparted so that he understands his roles and responsibilities and learns to perform the tasks entrusted to him with ease and with efficiency. It is only after a brief training period that a new employee is able to perform his job at a satisfactory level. Training makes an employee more productive for the organization and is thus concerned with his immediate improvement.
Development of an employee is an ongoing process which continues well beyond training. The focus of development process is the person himself where the focus of training is the organization. Development concerns with making the employee efficient enough to handle critical situations in future. So while training concentrates on short term needs of the organization, development looks after long term goals of the organization.
Training often takes place in groups, and is an event that is variously called as workshops and seminars. However, training can also be one on one when a supervisor instructs a new employee on a machine. Sometimes a manager deliberately pairs up a new employee with an experienced one. This is done to make the new employee learn to do things correctly. This can be termed as employee development. Sometimes, a manager may entrust an employee the job that may not be a part of his duty but plays a part in his development.
Sometimes, development refers to techniques such as stress management, breathing exercises through Yoga and meditation that are not directly related with the production process of a company but play an important part in the development of the employee.
It is clear then that it is easy to see the tangible effects of a training program but difficult to quantify the benefits accruing to the company through employee development though it really helps employees to grow on a personal level.
In brief: Training vs Development • While training is an event, development is a process • Training focuses on short term goals of the company while development focuses on the employee as a person • While training results can be measured in terms of benefits to the organization, the advantages of development are much more subtle
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