Wedding Planner vs Wedding Coordinator
Difference between wedding planner and wedding coordinator is, basically, in the services they provide. So, we can say that wedding planner and wedding coordinator are two different service providers that are characterized by individual activities. Both play very important roles concerning weddings. It should be noted that both of these jobs have come into the job market because of the hectic nature of weddings nowadays. In the past, people were not so busy all the time and they were happy with a nice ceremony that is held with families and friends. However, nowadays, people are very busy and due to the competitive nature of the world they want the best wedding. So, to make that dream come true they hire the services of professionals such as wedding planners and wedding coordinators.
Who is a Wedding Planner?
A wedding planner is the person who plans the whole wedding. He picks and chooses the vendors, wedding attire and the place of reception or the reception site, etc.
It is important to know that the job of the wedding planner ends before the very beginning of the wedding. In other words, it can be said that the wedding planner ceases to be on the scene once the wedding begins. He picks the venue of reception, the kinds of dresses for the bride and the bridegroom and the vendors well before the wedding actually takes place.
Who is a Wedding Coordinator?
A wedding coordinator, on the other hand, attends to all your wedding activities in person. He skillfully does the rehearsal just to ensure that everything is in place for the wedding to take place. He rehearses the wedding plan.
In short, it can be said that a wedding coordinator takes care of even the minute details such as supervision, floral arrangements, photo sessions, and the serving of refreshments. It is the ultimate duty of the wedding coordinator to see to it that everyone that comes and attends the wedding is kept happy.
A wedding coordinator ensures the happiness of both the parties; namely, the bride and the bridegroom.
A wedding coordinator takes the stage once the wedding planner leaves it. In other words, it means that the wedding coordinator holds the stage right through the wedding process. He will have to assist both the parties till the last minute of the wedding. He is pressed into service in matters relating to floral decorations in the wedding and the reception halls, wedding participation and the like.
What is the difference between Wedding Planner and Wedding Coordinator?
• One of the major differences between a wedding planner and the wedding coordinator is in relation to the nature of their jobs. Wedding planner as the name implies plans the wedding, while the wedding coordinator takes care of smoothly running the wedding.
• Usually, the job of a wedding planner ends before the wedding day. On the other hand, the job of the wedding coordinator is on the day of the wedding. Some coordinators come to the place on the wedding day while some report to duty a few days earlier.
• The services of the wedding planner include interviewing the couples and the parents to understand their needs, selecting a venue, selecting dresses and suits, making the budget, making a timeline of the events, preparation of the guest list, making a back-up plan too in case of emergencies, etc.
• The services of the wedding coordinator are mainly making sure the wedding goes on smoothly without any problem. He or she has the plans made by the wedding planner, so has to simply follow them. Also, he or she must make sure the guests are happy.
• Due to the close relation between the two jobs, sometimes there are wedding planners, who also are wedding coordinators.
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