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What is the Difference Between Cyan and Turquoise

The key difference between cyan and turquoise is that cyan is bluish green which is brighter and more intense, whereas turquoise is greenish-blue which is softer and soothing.

Cyan and turquoise are two colors that are sometimes used interchangeably. Both of them are versatile colors that add depth to your design. Before using these colors, you have to understand your purpose. If it’s for a website or another technological purpose, cyan is more suitable, but turquoise is a better choice if it’s an interior design. In addition, if you want to have a bold and bright look that grabs the attention, then you can use cyan, but if you need a more relaxing and soothing setting, turquoise is the more suitable color.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Cyan
3. What is Turquoise
5. Cyan vs Turquoise in Tabular Form
6. Summary – Cyan vs Turquoise

What is Cyan?

Cyan is a vibrant, lively blue-green color. It is closer to blue on the color spectrum. Therefore, it sometimes replaces blue as a primary color since it is lighter and creates more vibrant secondary colors. Cyan is an equal mix of the two green and blue and has a slightly bluish tint. Cyan derived its name from the Greek word kyanos, which means dark blue enamel.

Cyan is often used in printing and digital displays since it is one of the primary colors in the subtractive color system, which is overlaid to produce all colors in paint and color printing. This color is associated with energy, tranquillity, liveliness, and youth. It is also relaxing and inspiring. It creates images of crystal waters and matches well with deep pinks, deep yellows, and light purple colors. Cyan is elicited by light that has a wavelength between 500 and 560 nm, which is between green and blue wavelengths.

Figure 01: Cyan Color Square

Cyan is created in the additive color system called the RGB color model. It is used to create all the colors in televisions and computer displays. That is done by combining equal amounts of blue and green light.

There are twelve shades of cyan. They are light cyan, aqua, aquamarine, medium aquamarine, pale turquoise, turquoise, dark turquoise, medium turquoise, cadet blue, light sea green, dark cyan, and teal.

What is Turquoise?

Turquoise is a greenish-blue color. It is close to the green on the color spectrum. It has a slight touch of grey as well. Turquoise is a secondary color and is associated with the gemstone of the same name. This color is more calming and relaxing.

Figure 02: Turquoise Dome

This name is derived from the French phrase “Pierre torques” meaning Turkish stone. It has been used to represent various aspects over the years, like water, sky, and sea. This color is associated with serenity, peace, wisdom, healing, and tranquillity.

Turquoise is a mixture of pale green and blue or blue with a little amount of yellow. It is a softer and muted color and has a wavelength of 490-520nm. This soothing color is often used in the interior design industry.

What is the Difference Between Cyan and Turquoise?

The key difference between cyan and turquoise is that cyan is bluish green which is brighter and more intense, while turquoise is greenish-blue which is softer and soothing. Cyan has a 500-560nm wavelength, while turquoise has a 490-520nm wavelength. Moreover, cyan goes well with bright colors, whereas turquoise goes well with earthy tones.

Below is a summary of the difference between cyan and turquoise in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.

Summary – Cyan vs Turquoise

Cyan is a vibrant, lively blue-green color. It is identified as a cold color that is brighter, eye-catching, and more intense. Cyan is often used in technology, especially to gain attention because of its intensity. Turquoise is a greenish-blue color that is soothing and relaxing. It is a greenish shade of blue-green and is normally used in interior design. Cyan goes well with bright colors, while turquoise goes well with earthy tones. Thus, this summarizes the difference between cyan and turquoise.


1. “Cyan.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.
2. “Turquoise.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Cyan Color Square” (CC0) via Public Domain Pictures
2. “Closeup of Mir-i-Arab Madrasa” By Khanra – Self-photographed (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia