Positive Correlation vs Negative Correlation Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables. The correlation coefficient quantifies the degree of change of one variable based on the change of the other variable. In statistics, correlation is connected to the concept of dependence, which is the statistical relationship between two […]
Difference Between Percentile and Percentage
Percentile vs Percentage Percentile and percentage are important when describing quantities. Percentage is just an arithmetic concept that allows comparison between different fractions and easier understanding. Percentile is a statistical concept that denotes a subset consisting a percentage from the population/ distribution. Percentage Percentage in mathematics is a concept used to summarize and clearly […]
Difference Between Relation and Function
Relation vs Function From high school mathematics onwards, function becomes a common term. Even though it is used quite often, it is used without proper understanding of its definition and interpretations. This article focuses on describing those aspects of a function. Relation A relation is a link between the elements of two sets. In […]
Difference Between Pace and Speed
Pace vs Speed Speed and velocity are the common terms to describe the fast or slow movement of an object, person, or an automobile. We know what we mean when we describe the movement of a train or a bus in terms of kilometers per hour or mph. The term speed is also used […]
Difference Between Local and Global Maximum
Local vs Global Maximum The greatest value of a set or a function is known as maximum. Consider the set {ai | i ∈ N}. The element ak where ak ≥ ai for all i is known as the maximum element of the set. If the set is ordered it becomes the last element of […]
Difference Between Maximum and Maximal
Maximum vs Maximal It is often required by humans to denote the boundaries of things. If something cannot exceed beyond a certain limit, it is called maximum in the common sense. However, in the mathematical usage a much more rigorous definition has to be provided to prevent ambiguities. Maximum The greatest value of a […]
Difference Between Triangular Prism and Triangular Pyramid (Tetrahedron)
Triangular Prism vs Triangular Pyramid (Tetrahedron) In geometry, a polyhedron is a geometric solid in three dimensions with flat faces and straight edges. A prism is a polyhedron with an n-sided polygonal base, an identical base on another plane and no other parallelograms joining corresponding sides of the two bases. A pyramid is a […]
Difference Between Parallelogram and Quadrilateral
Parallelogram vs Quadrilateral Quadrilaterals and parallelograms are polygons found in Euclidean Geometry. Parallelogram is a special case of the quadrilateral. Quadrilaterals can be either planar (2D) or 3 Dimensional while parallelograms are always planar. Quadrilateral Quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. It has four vertices, and the sum of the internal angles is […]
Difference Between Parallelogram and Trapezoid
Parallelogram vs Trapezoid Parallelogram and trapezoid (or trapezium) are two convex quadrilaterals. Even though these are quadrangles, the geometry of the trapezoid differs significantly from the parallelograms. Parallelogram Parallelogram can be defined as the geometric figure with four sides, with opposite sides parallel to each other. More precisely it is a quadrilateral with two […]
Difference Between Altitude and Median
Altitude vs Median Altitude and median are two heights used when discussing the geometry of a triangle. Altitudes of a Triangle Altitude of a triangle is a line segment perpendicular to a side and passing through the vertex opposing the side. Since a triangle has 3 sides, they each have a unique altitude per […]
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