Breast Augmentation vs Implants
Size of Breasts is very important for women as they are assets that make or mar the personality of a female. Since ancient civilizations, women with full, round and firm breast have been considered as beautiful and attractive which is why women with small breasts feel insecure as they think they are unattractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. There also women who experience loose and saggy breasts either because of age or because of child birth and nursing their babies. Recent advances in medical sciences have made available surgical procedures that help all such women. Breast augmentation is one such technique that is used to make the breasts of a woman appear shapelier and round than before.
Breast augmentation is a general term used to describe an array of techniques used to make the breasts of a woman look rounder and firmer. This is a surgical procedure that is performed to increase the size of breasts or to alter the shape of breasts using implants. Sometimes no implants may be required and just contouring of breasts may be enough to give an appearance of fuller, firmer breasts. However, it is breast implants that are making waves as they are increasingly being used by women to augment the size of their breasts.
Breast implants are silicon rubber shells that are filled with silicone gel or a saline solution. These are placed beneath the breasts under the pectoral muscles that make breasts look larger. One thing to remember in breast augmentation through implants is that it is cosmetic surgery and is purely for aesthetic purposes. As described above, breast implants devices are of two types called saline implants and silicone implants depending upon the type of material used to enhance the breasts. While in the case of saline implant, the silicone shell is filled with a saline solution, it is silicone gel that is filled inside the silicone shells to augment the bust of a woman.
FDA has conducted study of breast implants and has found that these are reasonably safe for woman. It needs to be mentioned that reasonably safe does not mean safe for every woman, and it is in the health interest of a woman to consult doctors before deciding to go in for breast augmentation through breast implant. Implant devices have a limited time period and must be removed before they can rupture or become toxic for the body. Thus a woman who undergoes breast augmentation has to get silicone gel removed before the expiry of three years and get new implants inserted under her breasts.
In brief: Breast augmentation vs Breast implant • Breast augmentation refers to techniques that are resorted to make breasts of a woman fuller and firmer through the use of implant devices or without them. • Breast enhancements is possible without the use of breast implants where a surgeon makes incisions and gives proper contouring of breasts to make them appear rounder and firmer • Implants may be in the form of saline solutions or silicone gels kept in silicon shells under the pectoral muscles of a woman to make breasts look larger. • Though implants are reasonably safe, there have been cases of rupture of these implants that causes health hazards to women. • It is prudent to consult a doctor before going in for breast augmentation through breast implants.
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