Freight Forwarder vs NVOCC
Freight Forwarder and NVOCC do almost the similar functions, though some differences exist between them. NVOCC stands for Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier.
One of the main differences between NVOCC and Freight Forwarder is that the NVOCC sometimes can own or operate their own or leased containers. The freight forwarders on the other hand do not own and operated their own or leased containers.
The NVOCC operators in certain countries are requested to file their tariffs with the government regulatory bodies and thus create a public tariff. The freight forwarder on the contrary is not required to file his tariffs with the government regulatory bodies and create a public tariff in the process. This is a very important difference between NVOCC and freight forwarder.
The status of ‘virtual carrier’ is accorded in certain areas to the NVOCC whereas freight forwarder is not accorded the status of virtual carrier. The NVOCC accepts the liabilities of a carrier in certain cases. The freight forwarder does not accept the liabilities of a carrier in any case.
It is important to note that a freight forwarding company can act as an agent for NVOCC. On the other hand the NVOCC cannot act as an agent of a freight forwarder.
It is interesting to note that apart from the differences mentioned above between the NVOCC and the freight forwarder, there are no major differences between the two. NVOCC specializes in transit, goods in transit and the major destination. The freight forwarder primarily specializes in transit.
It is important to know that the NVOCC would have its own branch at the other destination where it would deposit the goods issuing bills of lading in the process. As a matter of fact the NVOCC is agent based in its activities. Freight forwarding does not differ much in this aspect.
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