Language vs Literature
Language and Literature are two words that appear similar in their purport but strictly speaking they are not so. Language is the fundamental unit of literature. In other words it can be said that language makes literature.
Literature is produced by the creation of works in a particular language by the writers of the language. A language on the other hand is a mode of expression of thought by means of articulate sounds. This is the main difference between language and literature. There can be as many literatures as there are languages.
A language comprises of sounds, words and sentences. The manner in which the words combine to form sentences is important in any language. On the other hand literature is made up of the thoughts expressed in any given language.
Thus it can be said that literature has several forms. Each of these forms is called a literary form. The various literary forms are poetry, prose, drama, epic, free verse, short story, novel and the like. Each of these literary forms is laden with the language in which it is written. In short it can be said that the entire literature is constructed by the language in which it is written.
Language is the method of expression whereas literature is the collection of such expressions in the said forms or the forms mentioned above. Any literature can be said to be rich or poor depending upon the correctness of the language in which the particular literature is created. For example a piece poetry created with thoughtful expressions in English language enhances the quality of English literature by leaps and bounds.
Experts of any given language produce high quality literature in that particular language. The language experts are said to be well versed in grammar and prosody of the particular language.
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Wonderful explanation