Neon Tetra vs Cardinal Tetra
Both neon tetra and cardinal tetra are beautiful small tropical fish species that have very similar appearances. However, despite their appearance, interbreeding between neon tetra and cardinal tetra is unsuccessful. Hence, they are classified as two separate species. Neon tetra and cardinal tetra are very popular aquarium species and classified under genus tetragonopterus. Tetra is a nickname which derives from their generic name and is extensively used to name certain other popular species outside this genus. There are over 500 species of tetras, including some popular species like congo tetra, glowlight tetra, rosy tetra, black tetra, etc.
Neon Tetra
The scientific name of neon tetra is Paracheirodoninnesi. These beautiful small fish have red and blue-green stripes that glitters like strip lightson each side. They show schooling behavior and swim at mid-level in tank. Males are thinner than females. Adult neon can reach up to an inch and live as long as ten years. They are omnivorous and quite difficult to breed in captivity. These fish species are vulnerable to other larger fish species andhenceneons are kept with smaller fish species like cardinal tetra and glowlight tetra.
Cardinal Tetra
Cardinal tetra is small fish species similar to neon tetra. However, unlike the neons, cardinal tetra has a larger red area on its abdomen. These fish are peaceful and school-forming. Cardinals are omnivorous and swim in all the levels of the tank. Cardinal tetra should not be kept with larger, aggressive tank mates. Adult of cardinal tetra can reach up to an inch. The scientific name of cardinal tetra is Paracheirodonaxelrodi.
What is the difference between Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra?
• The scientific name of cardinal tetra is Paracheirodonaxelrodi, whereas that of neon tetra is Paracheirodoninnesi.
• Neon tetra has characteristic red and blue-green stripes that glitters like strip lights on each side, whereas cardinal tetra has a larger area of red colouring on its abdomen in addition to the blue-green glittering stripe.
• Neon tetra usually swims at mid-level in tanks, while cardinal tetra swims in all the levels of the tanks.
Photos By: H. Krisp (CC BY 3.0), Ltshears (CC BY-SA 3.0)
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