New York Times vs Wall Street Journal
New York Times and Wall Street Journal are two of the leading daily newspapers in US. Interestingly, both newspapers are published from New York, and direct rivals for a long, long time. There are many who read both to get the viewpoints of both, although Wall Street is mostly read by those who are more interested in the news about the financial world. However, this is not the only difference, and many more differences between writing styles of these two newspapers will be highlighted in this article.
New York Times
The New York Times is an influential newspaper being published since 1851 from the city of New York. It is considered a national daily and its opinion carries a lot of weight in the minds of the population. The paper has won Pulitzer an incredible 106 times, and its online version is read by nearly 30 million people worldwide every month. is the number one website in the country as far as newspapers are concerned though it lags behind The Wall Street Journal in terms of circulation.
All the news that is fit to print is the motto of the newspaper that is being published by The New York Times Company. This company publishes 18 newspapers in all, having the Boston Globe and International Herald Tribune among its publications. The owner of the newspaper is Arthur Sulzberger whose family has owned the paper since 1896.
The Wall Street Journal
This is a top newspaper of the world being published from New York by Dow Jones and Company. Though Wall Street Journal is considered a financial paper with all the news from the world of finance, it ranks number one in terms of circulation in the country. It is far ahead in circulation to USA Today that stands 2nd in the country. As far as the business world is considered, Wall Street is the undisputed number one with Economic Times being a distant second. As the name implies, the newspaper covers American and international business topics. The Wall Street Journal since its inception in 1889 has won Pulitzer award 33 times.
What is the difference between New York Times and Wall Street Journal? • Wall Street Journal is considered to be a newspaper of the elite being read by rich Republicans. • New York Times is a newspaper that is more fashionable and read more by those interested in the entertainment world. • As the name implies, the Wall Street Journal is biased heavily towards news from the financial world. • The Wall Street Journal is ahead of The New York Times in terms of circulation. • The Wall Street Journal has an Asian and a European edition, in addition to the American edition. • The articles in WSJ are considered to be more erudite than those in NYT.
Her’s how the NY Times “pulls rank” and get their way:
Max Frankel Times editor at the time coerced the Pulitzer Prize board to give its reporter John Burns an award.
“We didn’t hide our disappointment. we went around muttering about it…
“The advisory board, in its wisdom, reached around the jury.”
Another case in the past; the NY Times’ reporter in the 1930s was Walter Duranty, who received a Pulitzer Prize for his positive “reporting” in Russia.
It turned out he was on Stalin’s payroll, so there was some discussion about revoking his 1932 Pulitzer Prize. However the NY Times then managing editor said he should keep it, as taking it away would be “rewriting history.”
We wonder what the millions of Russian citizens who were murdered by the Bolsheviks would be concerned about “rewriting history.”
The NY Times advertises itself with the statement; “Truth. It’s hard to find.”
Their 1,000+ journalists just being in “over 170 countries” is no guarantee of the NY Times getting the true story. Many are biased, anti-Semitic, or just plain lie.
The NY Times has its own agenda and bias.
Arthur S. Brisbane in his final column as the NY Times public editor (ombudsman, a position solely created in the wake of the Times 2003’s Jayson Blair scandal) said this,
“Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism — for lack of a better term — that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.”
Obama’s legacy will be that of stabbing, America’s only democratic ally in the Middle East, Israel in the back.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said,
“My friend, I do not accuse you of deliberate anti-Semitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of truth and justice and revulsion for racism, prejudice, and discrimination. But I know you have been misled—as others have been—into thinking you can be ‘anti-Zionist’ and yet remain true to those heartfelt principles that you and I share. Let my words echo in the depths of your soul:
When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews—make no mistake about it.”
The NY Times editors and writers have only calumny and slander against “Zionists” or “Israelis.” Seems like the old anti-Semitic “Gentlemen’s Agreement” bought up to date.
The American Council for Judaism (a misnomer) was formed in 1942 solely to fight the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine—and directly prevent Jews from escaping Germany while 20,000 Jews were being sent to their death in the German and Polish gas chambers every day.
One of its founding members was NY Times owner Arthur Hays Sulzberger.
The NY Times never apologized for this heinous act.
When they did report the murdering of millions of Jews by the Germans they relegated it to a small space at the back of the newspaper.
Now we can understand the deep roots of the NY Times anti-Israel, anti-Orthodox and Haredim, pro-Palestinian stance today.
Matt Seaton, staff editor for The New York Times opinion section said that the NY Times will not scrutinize Palestinian racism “until Palestinians have a sovereign state of their own.” (Algemeiner, Oct 30, 2014)
Does that standard apply to the other terrorist organizations like Hezbollah, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Al Queda, etc.?
The NY Times is a leader in misleading statements—including their biased pro-Palestinian executives, editors, and writers.
That’s why they should not have fired a baby-sitting Ombundsman to watch their editors and reporters and report on them to keep them from lying.
“You’re not buying news when you buy The New York Times, you’re buying judgment.
—Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, NY Times
Like the abysmal poor judgment in predicting Hillary Clinton winning the presidency by an 84% margin?
“My conclusion is simple. Nepotism works.
—Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, NY Times
If that were the case, then why does the Wall Street Journal have more than twice the readers than the NY Times?
The New York Times had a circulation of 573,651 as of March 2017.
The Wall Street Journal had 1,180,499 for the same date—more than twice as much as the NY Times!
*NOTE: Circulation data from AAM Quarterly. Pew Research Center: Political Polarization & Media Habits.
“The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.”
—Michael Crichton in a Science Fiction talk in 2003
We thought we were buying objective, unbiased reporting not Russian-style Pravda propaganda rag.