The key difference between rabbit and hare is that hares are larger and faster than rabbits. In addition, hares have distinctive black markings on their fur, while rabbits do not.
Rabbits and hares are two mammals belonging to the same order Lagomorpha. It is amazing that nature has produced such delicate animals. They are mammals with large and sharp front teeth but are virtually defenseless and can save themselves from predators by running fast on their hind legs.
1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is a Rabbit
3. What is a Hare
4. Rabbit vs Hare in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Rabbit vs Hare
What’s a Rabbit
A rabbit is a mammal that belongs to the family Leporidae, which also includes hares. Compared to hares, rabbits are generally smaller in size and have shorter ears and legs. They also have a more rounded and less elongated body shape. Their fur is usually soft and dense and can come in various colors, such as brown, gray, and white. Rabbits are herbivores and primarily feed on plants such as clover, grasses, and vegetable greens. They are known for their strong hind legs, which allow them to move quickly and make sudden turns when escaping predators.
Rabbits are generally social animals and live in groups called warrens. They are most active at dawn and dusk, spending the rest of the day in their burrows. They are also known for their digging behavior, burrowing underground to create complex systems of tunnels and chambers for protection and rearing young. They are also known for their vocalization, like thumping their hind legs as a warning signal to others of potential danger.
What’s a Hare
A hare is a mammal that belongs to the family Leporidae, which also includes rabbits. Hares are generally larger and have longer ears and legs than rabbits. They also have a distinctive black line running down the length of their back. Hares are known for their speed and agility and are able to run up to 45 miles per hour. They are herbivores and primarily feed on the bark of trees, buds, twigs, and shoots of plants.
The litter of hares, called leverets, are open-eyed and have furs when born. Moreover, hares are not so social and come together in pairs only for the purpose of mating. Hares also do not fight with each other for supremacy.
What is the Difference Between Rabbit and Hare?
Of the two mammals, hares are larger and faster than rabbits. Hindlegs of hares are very long and strong in comparison to rabbits, which makes them fast runners. This is the key difference between rabbit and hare. Hares have bigger ears and feet than rabbits. In addition, hares have black markings on their fur, while rabbits do not.
Rabbits have been domesticated for ages and are commonly seen as pets, while hares are wild in nature and are not pets. Moreover, rabbits live in underground burrows (except cottontail rabbits), whereas hares live in nests above the ground. In fact, litters of rabbits live underground till their eyes are open, while litters of hares are open-eyed and can run from day one.
Rabbits are social beings and prefer to live in colonies. Male rabbits fight with each other for dominance, and the dominant male mates with all the females of the group. On the other hand, hares are not so social and come together in pairs only for the purpose of mating. Hares do not fight with each other for supremacy.
Summary – Rabbit vs Hare
Rabbits and hares are two mammals belonging to the family of Leporidae. The key difference between rabbit and hare is that hares are larger and faster than rabbits. In addition, hares have distinctive black markings on their fur, while rabbits do not.
1. “Rabbit.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Oryctolagus cuniculus Rcdo” By JM Ligero Loarte – Own work (CC BY 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Scrub Hare (Lepus saxatilis) close-up (30544290256) (2)” By Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE – Scrub Hare (Lepus saxatilis) close-up (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia
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