Samurai vs Ninja
Between Samurai and Ninja, the two very popular and interesting warrior kinds belonging to the Japanese culture, a number of differences can be identified. Japanese culture has been fascinating and fabulous thanks to some of the historical figures that existed in the ancient Japanese times. Samurai and ninja are two such figures that added to the cultural glory of Japan. They are two types of warriors that lived in the ancient Japanese times. They have distinct characteristics between them, and these characteristics made them immortal in the cultural traditions of Japan. These warrior characters live even today in the form of animation films and stories. Although samurai and ninja are both warriors, there is a difference between them, and it is the scope of this article.
Who is a Samurai?
Samurais are from noble classes. The honor of a Samurai was his life, and there have been instances when they committed suicide on losing a battle so that they do not have to serve another master. Samurai warriors are understood to be clad in full war gear or kimonos. This is why the gear of samurai warriors is colored. When it comes to the code of ethics followed with regard to war, Samurai warriors follow the bushido ethics of war. As a matter of fact, samurais show honor in the method of their fighting. Samurais fought in the side of the emperors.
Who is a Ninja?
Ninjas were mercenaries. Mercenaries normally belong to the lower classes of ancient Japanese society. Ninjas do not have such a rigid belief regarding honor as samurais. Ninjas are said to be donned in tight clothing. They are, in fact, fully clothed. They are fully clothed in the sense that they have covered every part of their body including their face except the eyes. This is why the war gear of ninja warriors is black in color. When it comes to the code of ethics followed with regard to war, Ninja warriors follow the unorthodox code of war ethics. Their method of waging a war is unorthodox. Ninjas resort to infiltration and assassination. Ninjas served anyone who would pay them some money. They were not particular in their selection of the persons who they would fight for. In a way, they were used more or less like hired gunmen and assassins to eliminate the enemies.
What is the difference between Samurai and Ninja?
• Ninjas were recruited mostly from lower classes while Samurais were recruited from elite classes.
• Samurais fought in the side of the emperors. Ninjas, on the other hand, served anyone who would pay them some money.
• Samurai warriors are understood to be clad in full war gear or kimonos. Ninjas are said to be donned in tight clothing. They are, in fact, fully clothed, and only their eyes become visible. This is the why the war gear of samurai warriors is colored whereas the war gear of ninja warriors is black in color.
• It is important to note that both samurai and ninja warriors are guided by different codes of war ethics. Samurai warriors follow the bushido ethics of war. Ninja warriors, on the other hand, follow the unorthodox code of war ethics.
• Samurais lived openly receiving honor from people and leaders. Ninjas, due to the mercenary lifestyle, had to lead a quiet life in the anonymity.
• Ninjas used any methods to achieve their objective whereas, for samurais, their honor was supreme.
• Samurais fought their fights in the open. Ninjas rarely went for open combat. Stealth was their greatest weapon.
These are the differences between samurai and ninja.
Images Courtesy: Samurai and ninja via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
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